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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Gezinspedagogiek 5
Gilgamesh, Mozes, Echnaton: godsdienst in het oude Nabije Oosten 5
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Christianity 5
Global Connections 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Portuguese-Speaking World 5
Global Memory Practices 10
Globalisation in World History: An Archaeological Perspective 5
Globalisering en Postkoloniale Literatuurtheorie 10
Governance & Ethics 5
Governance and Political Culture in the Dutch Republic 5
Grammaire et vocabulaire I 5
Grammaire et vocabulaire II 5
Grammar Modern Hebrew 3 5
Greek and Roman Philosophy 5
Greek Paleography 1 5
Greek Paleography 2 5
Greek Papyrology 10
Grote Boeken uit de literatuur van de middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne tijd 5
Hacking the Humanities: An Introduction to Digital Humanities and Text Mining 5
Het Italië van pausen, keizers en steden (cultuurkunde) 5
Het lerende brein 5
Het lerende kind 5
Het moderne Italië (Cultuurkunde) 5
Heterogeneous Catalysis (HET) 6
High-dimensional data analysis 6
Highlights from Greek Literature 1 and 2 5+5
Highlights from Latin Literature 1 and 2 5 en 5
Hindi Literature 10
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Historical Grammar of Greek 1 5
Historical Linguistics 5
Historical sociolinguistics: the language of Leiden 10
Histories of Modern South and Southeast Asia 5
Histories of Southeast Asia 5
Historiography and Philosophy of History 5
Historische Taalkunde 5
History and Culture of Modern Turkey 5
History of Construction and Heritage 5
History of Contemporary Iran 5
History of European Decorative Arts and Design 5
History of European Expansion in Global Context 5
History of European Property Law 5
History of European Public Law 5
History of Japan to 1868 5
History of Modern Philosophy 5
History of Political Philosophy 5
History of Psychology 5
History of Psychology (IBP) 5
History of Russia 5