
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Comparative and Private International Law 5
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Syntax 10
Competition Law 5
Complex analysis 6
Complex Networks (BM) 6
Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulations (CCMS) 6
Computational Techniques for Chemical Biology (CTCB) 6
Condensed Matter Physics 6
Constitutional Issues in an European Context 10
Constitutional Law 5
Construction Law 5
Contemporary China A: Politics, Economics, and Society of Modern China 5
Contemporary Italian 10
Continental Philosophy 5
Core curriculum: Area Studies 5
Corporate Finance 5
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Corporate Structures and Legal Entities for the Civil Law Notary 10
Criminal Procedure 10
Criminalistics (elective course) 5
Critical Thinking, Critical Writing 5
Cultural History of Anatolia 5
Cultural History of Iran (cancelled) 5
Cultural pages in Italian Newspapers: Writers, Press, History (Corso monografico) 5
Culture and Comparison 5
Culture and Globalisation 5
Culture and Society of the Netherlands: An Inside View 5
Culture I: History and culture (1789-1968) 5
Culture III: Cultures francophones 5
Culture of Tibet 5
Cultuurfilosofie 5
Curating Cultures 5
Current Issues in the Archaeology of the Frontier Regions of the Roman Empire 5
Cyber Law 5
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
Das Eigene und das Andere: Kulturen, Medien und Identität 10
De oudste geschiedenis. Egypte en het Nabije Oosten tot ca. 1000 voor Christus. 5
Demotic Papyrology I 10
Demotic Papyrology II 10
Demotic Papyrology III 5
Density Functional Theory in Practice (DIP) 6
Der junge Goethe (10 EC) 10
Der junge Goethe (5 EC) 5
Design and Self-assembly of Biomolecules (DSB) 6
Design of Optical Systems 3
Development and Diversity in a Sociological Perspective 5
Developmental and Educational Psychology 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Die Wissenschaft der Wörter 10