
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Complex Networks (BM) 6
Complex Physics of Cooking 3
Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulations (CCMS) 6
Computational Statistics 3
Computational Techniques for Chemical Biology (CTCB) 6
Condensed Matter Physics 6
Constitutional Issues in an European Context 10
Constitutional Law 5
Contemporary Japanese Politics and International Relations 5
Continental Philosophy 5
Core Curriculum: Introduction to Religious Studies 5
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Corporate Structures and Legal Entities for the Civil Law Notary 10
Corso monografico: L'italiano per gli insegnanti 5
Corso Monografico: Oltre l’uomo. Approcci al tema della natura nella letteratura italiana 5
Corso monografico: Sociolinguistica dell’italiano 5
Corso monografico: Traduzione olandese-italiano 5
Criminal Procedure 10
Criminalistics (elective course) 5
Cultural History of Iran 5
Cultural Memory of World War I & II 5
Culture and Comparison 5
Culture and Globalisation 5
Culture and society of the Netherlands: An inside view 5
Culture of Accountability 5
Culture of Tibet 5
Cultures of Exhibiting 5
Cultuurfilosofie 5
Cultuurkunde I: History and culture (1789-1968) 5
Current Issues in the Archaeology of the Frontier Regions of the Roman Empire 5
Curves and Surfaces 6
Cyber Law 5
Cyber Risk 5
Cyber Security Economics 3
Cyber Security Management in Organisations 5
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
Data Analysis With Python 5
Data Visualization 6
Debating Warfare: Military History from Early Modern Times 5
Demotic Papyrology 1 10
Demotic Papyrology 2 10
Demotic Papyrology III 5
Density Functional Theory in Practice (DIP) 6
Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments 6
Development and Diversity in a Sociological Perspective 5
Developmental and Educational Psychology 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Differentiable Manifolds 6
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital Heritage 5