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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Perspectives in the Study and Professional Practice of Art History 5
Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature 10
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5
Philosophy of Language 5
Philosophy of Law I 5
Philosophy of Law II 5
Philosophy of Science 5
Philosophy of Science 5
Popular and Global Music 5
Prestatiemanagement 5
Principles of Constitutional Law 5
Private International Law 5
Public International Law 5
Public Management and Organisations (English) 5
Public Policy 5
Public Sector Economics (LAW) 5
Public Values and Ethics 5
Publiek Management en Organisaties 5
Publiek Management en Organisaties 5
Research Participation & Scientific Reporting (PE) 19
Role of IT in Public Administration 6
Roman law 5
Semester Abroad 30
Séminaire pratique: Le Français Juridique CCIP- DFP juridique B2 5
Seminar Hittite Texts 5
Specialised Course: Value Added Tax (subject to change) 5/6
Spine/skullbase surgery & otolaryngology/audiology 15
Statistical genetics 6
Strategy: Process, Content, Context (PE) 6
Substantive Criminal Law 10
Synthetic Organic Chemistry (SOC) 6
System Development & Project Management (PE) 6
Tax Ethics 5
Tax Management 5
Tax Policy Analysis 5
Tax Treaties 5
Taxation of Enterprises 10
The Noble Art and Tricky Business of Translation 5
The Sounding City 5
The Truth Behind Quantified Self 5
Theoretical Criminology 10
Topical Course: Artist's Writings 5
Tutorial Academic Skills 5
Value Added Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax 5
Vechtscheidingen: kinderen zijn de dupe 5
Visual Analysis II: Art Making Techniques and the Analysis of Objects in the Visual Arts, Architecture and Design 5
Vitality and Ageing 5
Vraagstukken Psychisch Functioneren 5
Working for the Government as ICT Expert 6
World Art Studies 5