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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Questions of Law and Justice in Literature, Art and Media 10
Rabbis and Rebels: The Challenges of Jewish Tradition 5
Radiative Processes 6
Radio Astronomy 6
Random Dynamical Systems (BM) 6
Random Matrices (BM) 6
Reactivity in Organic Chemistry (ROC) 6
Reading and interpreting historical literature 5
Reading list Greek/ Latin 5
Reading Source Texts 10
Reading/Vocabulary 1B - Language Acquisition I 5
Readings from the Dead Sea Scrolls 5
Readings in American History 10
Readings in Indo-European Linguistics 5
Real Property Law 5
Realpolitik and International Security 5
Recht in de multiculturele samenleving 5
Reflection on the Educational Curriculum for Dutch (10 EC) 10
Reflection on the Educational Curriculum for Dutch (5 EC) 5
Reform of Social Legislation 5
Regulation of Drug Safety 4
Regulatory Governance and Data Science 6
Reinforcement Learning 6
Relativistic Electrodynamics 3
Religie, levensbeschouwing en burgerschap in het onderwijs 5
Religie, levensbeschouwing en burgerschap in het onderwijs 5
Religion and Law 10
Religion and Media 5
Religion and Politics 5
Religion in the World 5
Religion on the Move: From Local Origins to Global Networks 10
Religion, Spirituality and Health 5
Remapping the City in Modern Literature and Visual Cultures 10
Representation Theory (BM) 6
Research Fundamentals 3
Research in Science Communication 4
Research Methodology History 5
Research Methods 5
Research Seminar Artificial Intelligence 6
Research Seminar: Social Technologies 6
Research Skills and Scientific Integrity 3
Research Skills and Scientific Integrity (2EC) 2
Research traineeship applied analysis 6
Resilience to violence 5
Resilient Cities 8
Retorisch vuurwerk: een canon van Nederlandse politieke toespraken 10
Rhetoric and Law 5
Rhetorical Theory, Past and Present 5
Rhetorics of Grammar 10
Robotics 6