
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Neurolinguistics 5
New Religions 5
NLP for the Humanities 5
Non-human Cognition 4
Nonlinear (Mixed) Data Analysis 6
Northwest Semitic Epigraphy: Phoenician 10
Novel Concepts in Molecular Pharmacology 4
Numerical Recipes in Astrophysics 6
Numerieke Wiskunde 6
Observational Cosmology 3
Observational Molecular Astronomy in Galaxies 3
Old Church Slavic (BA) 5
Old Church Slavic Language and Culture 10
On Fiction and Forensics Writing Artistic Research 3
Onderwijs ontwerpen 5
Onderwijs: wetenschap en praktijk 5
Onroerendgoedrecht I 5
Ontwikkelings- en onderwijspsychologie 5
Operations Management 4
Optica 5
Oral Performance in Africa 5
Oral Traditions 10
Oral Traditions (ResMA) 10
Organisation of the ageing society 10
Organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis (OCHC) 6
Orientatie op onderwijs 6
Origin and Evolution of the Universe 6
Origin and Structure of the Standard Model 3
Ottoman Turkish (Fall) 10
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Ottoman Turkish 2 5
Overview Ancient History 2: From Romulus and Remus to Romulus Augustulus 5
Overview Ancient History: Greece and Rome 5
Overview of Greek and Roman Philosophy 5
Paleografie van de Griekse Papyri 1 5
Panorama of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period 5
Panoramic Overview: Language, Politics and Culture in the Middle East 5
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
Peace Academy 5
People and Organizations 5
Performance Studies and Theatrical Theory 5
Persian Language and Culture 1 10
Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology 5
Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie 5
Perspectives on art historical research 5
Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology 5
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature 10
Philology 4A: Highlights of Medieval English Literature 5
Philology 4B: Early Modern Everyday English 5