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Literature Study


Admission requirements

Master students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences. Research Project I needs to be finished before you can start the Literature Study.


The Literature Study is based on a literature search to answer a research question or hypothesis in the area of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences under supervision of a staff member of the LACDR. The Literature Study should consist of a critical review of scientific literature describing actual information, obtained by sound experimental research.

The subject of the Literature Study should have a degree of novelty:

  • No recent review with a similar subject should have been published, and

  • The subject of the Literature Study must not coincide with the subjects of the student’s Research Projects.

The Literature Study must be performed in an uninterrupted period of 5 weeks and includes the writing of a thesis of approx. 20 tot 25 pages text (excluding figures; A4 , font 10 pt). Guidelines for the Literature Study are available on the Brightspace module ‘MSc Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences’.

Course objectives

At the end of your 5 weeks literature study you have learned to:

  • write a well-structured paper

  • communicate ideas in a logical, well-argued manner

  • demonstrate understanding of and insight into a specific research subject

  • identify and cite key contributors to the field

  • recognize the current state of research in the field (frontier of science)

  • identify major debates e.g. conflicting theories / contradictory findings

  • critically discuss scientific literature, research results and theoretical approach


The Literature Study must be performed in an uninterrupted period of 5 weeks.

Mode of instruction

Self study, discussions.

Assessment method

Written assay.

Reading list

Not applicable.


Approval from the study adviser is necessary. Students must use the Master of Science document and send it to the study adviser. Registration in uSis is not necessary.


For general information about the Literature Study, please contact the study adviser (


This information is without prejudice. Alterations can be made for next year