Admission requirements
This course is for MSc students in Biology.
Contact information
Coordinatoren: Prof.dr. J. Memelink & Prof.dr. A.H. Meijer
Innate immunity is the primary mechanism by which animals and plants defend themselves against pests and diseases. Their innate immune systems rely on limited sets of evolutionary conserved receptors that recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns, pathogen-derived effector proteins and danger signals. In vertebrates, the innate immune system also functions to alert the adaptive immune system, which depends on a vast receptor variety and clonal selection of cytotoxic and antibody-producing cells. The course will primarily deal with the different innate defense mechanisms, their biochemical and molecular genetic mode of action, their efficiency and durability and their evolution, heritability and plasticity.
Learning goals
Course objectives:
The objectives are to get familiar with the innate immune system by attending the introductory lectures, reading the review papers, practicing reading primary scientific literature, discussing scientific articles and orally presenting one or two specific scientific topics.
Final qualifications:
Participants are familiar with critically reading scientific papers published in top journals.
They are able to ask critical questions.
They have experience in making a powerpoint presentation about a scientific topic, in orally presenting it, and in answering questions about that topic.
They have an understanding of the state-of-the-art knowledge about the mechanisms governing innate immunity and of the main concepts current in the research field.
7 March 2022 until 10 July 2022
Once a week (Wednesday) at the end of the day (15.30-18.30) in the 2nd semester (starting March). The detailed schedule depends on the number of participants and will be finalized after the first session. Typically the course will run from March to and including June, with weekly sessions from 15.30-17.00 and from 15.30-18.30 (depending on the number of participants).
Mode of instruction
Reading selection of original research papers. Oral presentation of one of the topics. Emphasis is on critical reading, discussion and oral presentations by the participants.
Assessment method
Oral presentation, discussion and a written exam. The assessment method may be subject to change depending on participant number.
Inspection and feedback on the examination
Date: To be announced
Brightspace is used for communication and course material.
Reading list
Links to research papers will be posted on Brightspace at the start of the course. In addition links to 3-5 review papers about innate immunity will be posted as background reading. Participants are assumed to be familiar with the basic theory about the innate immune system in Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts et al. sixth edition; chapter 24, pp. 1297-1306) and otherwise this knowledge needs to be acquired by self-study prior to or during the beginning of the course.
Via uSis
Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Prospective students website for more information on how to apply.
Minimum number of participants is 20 and maximum number of participants is 36. The exact format of the course depends on participant number.