The goal of the course is to improve students’ skills in academic writing. Writing is one of the many skills that are learned best by doing. To this end, students will complete weekly, focused assignments, building up to writing the introduction to a scientific article. They will also give a presentation on this research. In addition, students will critique each other’s work.
Course Objectives
In this course, students will:
Complete weekly, focused assignments to develop the skills to produce high-quality, academic writing.
Write a brief scientific paper describing a research project and give a presentation on the research.
Critique other’s students’ work, and provide constructive feedback to peers.
For the timetable of this course please refer to MyTimetable
Mode of instruction
Combination of lectures and small group discussion.
Assessment method
Students will receive a final grade based on completion of weekly assignments, critiques, introduction, and presentation. Participation in the course meetings is mandatory.
During this course Brightspace Students can find all information on the course on Brightspace.
Reading List
Pyrczak, F. & Bruce, R.R. (2017, 8th ed.) Writing Empirical Research Reports: A basic guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences. London: Routledge.
Wallwork, A. (2016) (2nd ed). English for writing research papers. New York: Springer (or Dordrecht: Springer).
APA Publication Manual, 7th edition.
Students must register themselves for all course components (lectures, tutorials and practicals) they wish to follow. You can register via My Studymap up to 5 days prior to the start of the course.
The assessment in this course consists of assignments. Registration via My Studymap is not required.
Contact information
Course instructor is Prof. Dr. Christine Espin