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Research Project 2 - Practical Work


Admission requirements

For master students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences only. The student has successfully completed Research Project 1 (including thesis and oral presentation). At least 1 month BEFORE the anticipated start of Research Project 2 the student should complete the application form in ProjectMAP (see “Registration” below for details).


Research Project 2 trains students to conduct scientific research independently in a second specialist area of drug research and is focused on deepening and extending the research skills. Research Project 2 will generally take place outside of the LACDR. It may be conducted within the Faculty of Science in another discipline of BPS or, at the Center for Human Drug Research, the Leiden University Medical Center, other Science Faculties, University Medical Centers or health research institutes, or at an R&D Department of a (Bio-)Pharmaceutical company. Students are encouraged to go abroad for Research Project 2.

In case Research Project 2 is performed outside LACDR, LIC or CHDR a member of staff of the LACDR must function as an internal supervisor. This internal supervisor is responsible for maintaining contact with the host institute and the on-site supervisor where the student will be doing the master’s research project.

Course objectives

At the end of the course, the student:

  • has obtained in depth knowledge, understanding, and practical research experience in the core principles and recent developments in a second specialist subject area of drug research

  • has extended competences to apply knowledge, insights, and skills to work independently as a drug researcher with a professional responsible academic attitude

  • has extended competences and skills to perform a literature search and select and interpret scientific literature

  • has extended competences to apply his/her knowledge when designing and conducting experiments

  • has demonstrated competence in applied research methods in a second specialist subject area of drug research

  • has extended competences to critically interpret and reflect on obtained results, and contribute new ideas

  • has extended competencies to function adequately in the research group, collaborate with other researchers, and contribute to scientific discussions


Research Project 2 can be conducted throughout the academic year. It takes 24.5 weeks of 40 hours a week, including 21 weeks for practical work and 3.5 weeks for writing the thesis.

Mode of instruction

Practical work, self-tuition, tutoring

Assessment method

The level at which the student has reached the course objectives during the conduction of his/her Research Project 2 will be assessed. based on the evaluation criteria as laid down in the Research Project 2 Assessment Form. The final grade is expressed using an integer between 1.0 and 10.0 and can be rounded off/up to a half integer, with the exception of the grade 5.5. The final grade should be ≥6.0 to successfully complete this course.

During Research Project 2, the progress of the student is evaluated two times (in week 12 and 25). The (daily) supervisor is responsible for this evaluation process and is obliged to fill out the evaluation form and discuss the progress with the student. In case a student is graded "insufficient" for one or more of the evaluated parts of the Research Project 2 practical work in week 12, a plan of action is made with agreements on how to improve these parts in order to reach a sufficient level. Please note that in case the final grade of the Practical Work of Research Project 2 is (still) graded as "insufficient", the entire Research Project 2 will need to be conducted again, including the Thesis, under supervision of a different daily supervisor and first examiner.

Reading list

During Research Project 2, the student is expected to get up-to-date with the relevant scientific literature in the subject area of drug research.


BEFORE the start of Research Project 2 the student should get approval:
1. Start the process by completing the application form for Research Project 2 in ProjectMAP, including a) details of the host institute, b) description of the research project, c) a list of publications related to the project of the research group, and d) if applicable, signed agreement with host institute.
2. the on-site supervisor at the host institute and the internal supervisor (mandated by the Board of Examiners of the master Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences) receive a link to the application for approval
3. upon approval by the on-site and internal supervisor the application will be forwarded to the BPS Programme Director for final approval.

Note: without completion of point 1 and 2 and without final approval (point 3) in ProjectMAP the student will not be allowed to start!

Registration for the course via MyStudymap is not needed.


For general information about the Research Project 2, please contact the study advisor (


Every semester, there is a theory lecture scheduled where information about the Literature Study and the Research Project 2 is discussed. Please check My Timetable for the dates using the code 4323LISTTH group 101 (semester 1) or group 102 (semester 2). Application via My StudyMap for these theory lectures is mandatory.
Attendance of the theory lecture prior to starting the Research Project 2 is advised, but not mandatory.

This information is without prejudice. Alterations can be made for next year.