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Book exam


Admission requirements

Admission to one of the specializations of the MSc Biology is required.

This course can be done only after consultation/consent of the study adviser.

Preferably students have completed the ‘Reading Strategy’ and ‘Develop the conceptual framework’ submodules of ‘Module 2: Study Skills’ in the Science Skills Platform.


As an optional theoretical course, students can do an examination, the Book Exam, about a specialized book on a particular subject of choice.

The Book Exam is an independent module, for which the student is expected to study (specific chapters of) a biological textbook or a book covering a specialist biological subject, supplemented with one or two recent reviews from a scientific journal.

There are no lectures or other types of contact teaching. The grade is given solely based on the student’s performance in the examination.

Course objectives

After completion of the course, students are able to:   

  1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the core biological concepts and principles covered in the selected textbook, including fundamental theories, methodologies, and applications within the field.
  2. Conduct critical analyses of specialized topics within biology covered in the chosen specialist book, evaluating the depth of coverage, relevance to current research, and potential applications in the field.
  3. Synthesize information from recent reviews in scientific journals with content from the textbook and specialist book, demonstrating the ability to integrate primary literature to deepen understanding and explore contemporary research trends.
  4. Critically evaluate the scientific evidence presented in the textbook, specialist book, and journal reviews, assessing the validity, reliability, and implications of experimental methodologies and data interpretation
  5. Apply biological concepts and principles learned from the selected materials to analyze and propose solutions for real-world biological problems, demonstrating the ability to translate theoretical knowledge into practical applications.
  6. Communicate scientific ideas, findings, and arguments effectively in written or oral forms, demonstrating clarity, coherence, and adherence to disciplinary conventions.


After consultation with the study advisor, the student is permitted to make an appointment with an examiner to discuss the subject and time frame. The study period for the Book Exam (6EC) should be equivalent to 4 weeks full-time.
A list of possible examiners for the Book Exam is available in the Brightspace course Opleiding Biologie.

Mode of instruction

Self-study & (oral) examination.

The responsible examiner is available for questions about the selected subject. For questions about enrollment, approval, etc, contact the Study Advisor.

Assessment method

Oral and/or written exam taken by an examiner of the Institute of Biology. (It may take 1 – 2 hours).
Additionally, supervisors may as part of the examination also use other forms of assessment, for example an essay (approx. 1500 words), presentation, written final examination, et cetera.

The form of examination must be specified in advance in the Book Exam agreement in [ProjectMAP].(

Reading List

Literature (books and articles). All legally available scientific literature.

The total amount of literature to be studied should amount to approximately 500 pages, depending on the complexity and quantity of the literature to be studied.

An overview of possible publications and examiners can be obtained from the study advisor/is available in the Brightspace course Opleiding Biologie.


1) After consultation with the study advisor, the student is permitted to make an appointment with an examiner to discuss the subject, book selection and time frame.
2) Approval of the book exam agreement by the study advisor in ProjectMAP prior to the start.
3) Registration for the course via MyStudyMap is not needed.


Education Office Biology


Feedback on the examination will be discussed after the book exam has taken place.
If the exam is assessed as unsatisfactory, it is possible to resit the exam based on the feedback.