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Science Communication: Archaeology in the 21st Century


Admission requirements

Bachelor Archaeology first year obtained, plus 30 ec from the remaining BA Archaeology programme.


During the course you will learn how we communicate the past and research about the past to a variety of audiences including, but not limited to, other academics, journalists, kids, and the wider public.

We will discuss science communication practices related to social media, press releases, video content, podcasts, scientific writing for the public, as well as interdisciplinary academic communication and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

The main goal of this course is to give you some basic experience in science communication by means of several assignments.

Course objectives

After the course, the student has:

  • Practised the basics of science communication such as pitching one's own research;

  • Practised writing a press release about research;

  • Pactised several different creative techniques of communicating the past;

  • Gained insight into the concept of popular science and science communication;
    Acquired the skills to be able to: develop creative content for communicating the past to a wider audience (e.g. videos, podcasts, social media content); develop content for communicating research about the past to other disciplines (e.g. press release; elevator pitch).


Course schedule details can be found in MyTimetable.
Log in with your ULCN account, and add this course using the 'Add timetable' button.

Mode of instruction

Attendance is mandatory.

  • Lectures;

  • Tutorials and group projects;

  • Creative projects.

Assessment method

  • Participation in weekly projects (20%);

  • Participation in peer reviews and class attendance (20%);

  • Final project (60%).

A retake is only possible for the final essay, and only if all other requirements have been met, including attendance and submission of all assignments.

Assessment deadlines:
The dates of exams and retakes can be found in MyTimetable. The deadlines of papers, essays and assignments are communicated through Brightspace.

Reading list

All the study materials – mostly media based, will be openly available in the Brightspace module of the course.


Enrolment for all components of your study programme through MyStudymap is mandatory. This applies to both compulsory elements and elective credits. If you are not enrolled, you may not participate.

General information about registration can be found on the Course and exam enrolment page.

Exchange and Study Abroad students, please contact the exchange coordinator for information on how to apply.

All information for those who are interested in taking this course as a Contractstudent is on the Contractonderwijs Archeologie webpage (in Dutch).


For more information about this course, please contact A. (Aris) Politopoulos Ph.D. or Dr. M.H.G. (Maikel) Kuijpers.
