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Global Health (NL)


Admission requirements

See Brightspace for the admission requirements.

International Students should have an adequate background in Medicine. Admission will be considered based on CV and motivation letter.
For more information, please contact


The course Global Health starts with a general, basic introduction to Global Health of four weeks where the students become acquainted with the health topics currently challenging low- and middle- income countries. During this introduction, students will become familiar with the relationship between global health policy and clinical disease manifestation around the world. This will be followed by a module of 6 weeks exploring specific global health topics into greater depth, with a focus on women’s and reproductive health (human rights and health policy, female cancers and surgery, pregnancy and childbirth, contraception and abortion).

Course objectives

After this course the student can:
1. Describe the current global health situation and outline how social, economic, demographic and environmental factors influence population health and disease at a global, national and regional level.
2. Evaluate values and limitations of the most important indicators of population health and disease at a global, national and regional level.
3. Explain for different geographical regions which health determinants are of importance within the following disease categories: communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, nutritional disorders, injuries and reproductive health.
4. Identify key ethical, social and cultural principles for making decisions in global health management.
5. Describe the major organizational actors in global health and their focuses and outline their challenges.
6. Explain which personal health issues may occur when visiting the tropics and propose appropriate preventive measures.
7. Compose a clear and defined research question on a relevant topic in global health and transpose this into a practical literature search
8. Identify, critically describe, discuss and reflect recent scientific findings within a specific global health research topic via a written report and oral presentation based on a targeted literature study
9. Propose and reflect a population based health intervention or recommendation within a specific global health research topic via a written report and an oral presentation based on a targeted literature study
10. Actively contribute to in-depth discussion and development of opinion on global health issues.
11. Have a global perspective on issues pertaining to maternal and child mortality, abortion and family planning.
12. Have knowledge about the most important frameworks used in a global health context, particularly the human rights framework, social determinants of health and policy frameworks.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, workgroups, group discussions, student presentations, self-study assignments often based on use of multimedia, practicals, clinical session.

Assessment method

Summative test (marked):
On the last day of the first four weeks there will be a written exam. The test consists of approximately 25 open (or semi-open) questions. The questions will refer to the contents of the lectures and the readings en internet information indicated as “basic literature”. The daily study assignments (SA) can be used to familiarise with the theoretical background examined.
Rating: 1-10 (contributing 40% to the final mark)
Reviewed by: coordinators of the introduction part of the minor. Specific components can also be assessed by a specific teacher.

Presentations (marked):
During the last week of the minor each student has to give a presentation addresses to the rest of the group discussing the outcome of a systemic literature search on a specific topic related to the second part of the minor.
Rating: 1-10 (contributing 40% to the outcome of the module, therefore 24% to the final mark of the minor)
Reviewed by: coordinators of the module

Written report (marked):
At the last day of the minor each students has to hand in a report describing the outcome of their literature search,
Rating 1-10 (contributing 60% to the outcome of the module, therefore 36% to the final mark of the minor)
Reviewed by: coordinators of the module

Attendance of contact hours will be registered. In principle there is a compulsory attendance of all contact hours.
Examination committee L. van Lieshout; L. Visser
The exam dates can be found on MyTimeTable.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Information about the registration process can be found on the Brightspace course Half Minors.


Lisette van Lieshout

Thomas van den Akker
