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Communication in science (Educational line)


Admission requirements

Bachelor degree and admission to Master Health, Ageing and Society.


Having strong communication skills is imperative for a successful working life. Consequently, this educational line will focus on developing your communication skills (written and spoken) in academic, scientific and professional contexts. Communication in Science (CIS) will prepare you to express your ideas in an engaging manner to expert and non-expert audiences. By doing so, you develop tangible communication skills that will be advantageous for your future careers as researchers, practitioners and policy advisors.

Students will become acquainted with different components of scientific writing, such as planning, outlining, creating clear structure, being concise and building a strong argument. During peer feedback sessions students will consolidate the theorised strategies.

Oral skills
Students will develop scientific presentation skills and interpersonal communication. They will learn how to give effective presentations for different audiences and hone their feedback skills.

Examples of assignments that develop these skills are:

  • Giving a convincing talk (like a TED or Fame Lab talk)

  • Interviewing

  • Writing a scientific essay

  • Writing an innovation paper

  • Writing a policy paper

  • Writing a Thesis

Course objectives

The student:

  • writes a scientific paper using the major principles of writing

  • writes structured, concise and professional papers in English

  • is able to present a specific and convincing message to different audiences (scientific and fame lab style presentations)

  • is able to engage critically in the analysis of their own and their peers’ work

  • is able to communicate using a variety of diverse communication methods (video and profile writing)


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

Mode of instruction

The course aims will be achieved through groups, writing tasks, delivering presentations and giving peer feedback.
This educational line is integrated in the modules of the programme Health, Ageing and Society.

Assessment method

  • Written assignments (Scientific paper, innovation paper, policy paper)

  • Oral presentations (individually and in groups)

  • Modern communication methods (video pitch, profile of a person, press release)

  • Thesis

  • Completion of compulsory assignments described in the assessment plan

The final grade is based on the scientific essay (15%), presentation about essay topic (5%), innovation paper (15%), video pitch (15%), policy paper (15%), profile of a person (10%), press release (5%) and thesis (20%). Credits will only be given if all compulsory assessments are completed. The scientific essay will also be assessed separately by Biology of vitality and ageing and Research and Evidence, the innovation paper and the video pitch by The Older Individual, the policy paper by Organisation of the Ageing Society and the Thesis by Science and Career. Students are expected to be actively engaged in discussion of the content and in the activities scheduled in the programme.

If an assessment or mandatory part of the course is not passed or completed, the student will get a retake or revision or has to fulfil an alternative assignment.

Reading list

Will be published on Brightspace.


All students will be automatically enrolled for workgroups and exams.


Emma Galloway, email:
