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Elective Credits (International Studies)


Admissions requirements

The first year of study (60 EC) must have been completed.
Approval by the board of examiners in case of: Study Abroad, Internship, Custom Elective Credits Package.


In addition to compulsory elements of the BA International Studies, there are also Elective Credits. In your third year, you have 30 credits that you can earn through different options: an Internship, Study Abroad, take a Minor, or create your own custom Elective Credits package.

For an overview of the possibilities and procedures, see the website.

Direct link to the Elective Credits approval form.


The Elective Credits can also be used for an internship. Under the supervision of one of the faculty’s lecturers (the internship lecturer) and a staff member from your internship organisation (the internship supervisor), you spend some time working for a company or an organisation. The activities during an internship should be in line with what you have learned as part of your study programme and it should contribute to the work of the internship organisation.

The total amount of credits for an internship as part of your Elective Credits add up to 30 EC, composed of:

More information on the internship and how to arrange one can be found on the website.

Study Abroad

A study abroad programme is a good experience for any student and an excellent way to complement the curriculum for your own major area of study. Your time studying abroad also helps you prepare for the job market. For more information about exchange programmes with a foreign university, and about grants, please contact either the Humanities International Office or your Study Adviser.

All information on the how to arrange your study abroad can be found here.


A minor is a cohesive package of courses worth 30 credits. Leiden University offers some 55 different minors, including 30 in English. Most of these are accessible to all students of Leiden University; a few minors have additional admission criteria. All university faculties offer a range of minors. The minors offered by the Faculty of Humanities are often interdisciplinary in nature. All minor options can be found in the minor section of the prospectus.

Humanities Minors Restrictions

To prevent overlap in courses there are some restrictions on the Humanities minors relating to a specific area:

  • American Studies (for students who have chosen North America as their area of specialisation);

  • Chinese Economy and Society (for students who have chosen East Asia as their area of specialisation);

  • Latijns-Amerikastudies (for students who have chosen Latin America as their area of specialisation).

Students with these areas of specialisation may follow these minors, but they must replace the courses that overlap with their specialisation with other relevant courses. These replacement courses must be submitted to the Board of Examiners of the Minor in question for approval.

A minor at another university

You can take courses at another university as a guest student. Enrolment procedures differ between the universities. Make sure to check the procedure and possibilities for guest students in time and also check the amount of credits and the schedule. You also need to ask approval from the board of examiners.

Custom Elective Credits Package (build your own Minor)

If you wish to create your own personalised elective package using courses offered at either Leiden University or another institution of higher education, the following conditions apply: the chosen courses need to cover 30 EC, must have sufficient academic level and must form a cohesive package.
When you build your own minor you will have to submit your package to the board of examiners for approval.

Workload per semester

Some minors have all courses (30 EC) in the first semester, others run over two semesters (2x 15 EC). Next to your Elective Credits you will also need to take 30 EC of compulsory courses at International Studies during your third year. Depending on your choices for the Elective Credits, you can take all courses within the programme in the second semester or take the thesis and thesis seminar in the first semester (15 EC) and take PRINS and your Language in Practice course in the second semester (15 EC). This way you can ensure that the workload is 30 EC for each semester.

Second Bachelor

Students who are doing a second bachelor can request an exemption for the Elective Credits.

If you want to make use of this option you should ask the Board of Examiners for approval.


Students are recommended to get in touch with their Study Adviser early on and present their Elective Credits preferences and then to submit them to the Board of Examiners (depending on their choice) for approval using the request procedure. The choice of courses for satisfying your elective requirements has to be approved by the Board of Examiners in case of: Study Abroad, Internship, Custom Elective Credits Package. When evaluating a student’s choices, the Board of Examiners will base its decision on the cohesion and standard of the package selected.


Study Abroad (Exchange and Free Movers)


Study Advisers