
nl en

Basiscursus 1A- Taalverwerving I


Admission requirements

This course is open for students with no prior knowledge of Dutch.
Please note: Class attendance is required: Mondays 11-13 hrs, Tues-Fri 9-11 hrs. (please note that the schedule might change) and an average preparation of 3 hours a day.
Students who want to take this as an elective course, are required to contact the student adviser Irena Zagar.


The beginners’ course Language Acquisition is a 13-week course of 10 hours per week. The 15 EC are divided among three different course elements, but please note that this course makes up one single unit, it is not possible to follow individual course elements.

  • Writing/Grammar 5 EC (code 5811VSG1A)

  • Reading/Vocabulary 5 EC(code 5811VLW1A)

  • Speaking/Listening 5 EC(code 5811VSL1AT)

The beginners’ course consists of two hours of language acquisition each day. At the start, the classes will be in English, but the working language will be changed to Dutch as soon as is feasible, adapted to the level of the students. Speaking, listening, reading and writing will be practiced intensively and of course close attention will be paid to vocabulary and grammar.
The teaching method used will be the so called ‘Delftse methode’. At home, students will prepare the texts by thorough reading, listening, and repeating, and by doing grammar exercises. Once prepared, students come to class where we will discuss the subjects, and thus practice speaking skills, pronunciation and intonation. And there will be ample time for questions.
Our aim is to give students the self-confidence they need to speak Dutch outside the classroom.
Students are expected to manage a heavy workload (with an average of 3 hours a day); there is ample opportunity in the lessons for questions.

Course objectives

This course aims at an elementary level of Dutch. In terms of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the aim is to achieve A2 level for speaking and writing, and A2/B1 level for reading and listening.

A language user with A2 level:

  • Is able to understand sentences and common expressions related to matters of direct personal concern (for example, personal data, family, shopping, local geography, work).

  • Is able to communicate in simple and everyday tasks that require a straightforward and direct exchange on familiar and everyday matters

  • Is able to describe in simple terms aspects of his or her own background, the immediate environment and other matters of interest.

A language user with B1 level of reading and listening:

  • Is able to understand the most important issues in clear written or spoken standard texts on familiar subjects that occur regularly at work, at school or in free time.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

  • Seminar

Assessment method

Assessment and Weighing

In weeks 4, 9 and 13, written tests will be given with short, open, fill-in-the-blank questions and short essay questions. The average mark for these tests will make up the grade for Writing/Grammar.

In December and January, the reading, listening and oral skills will be tested:

  • the Speaking exam will be an oral test;

  • the Listening and Reading/Vocabulary exams will be written tests with closed questions.

The final grade for Speaking/Listening is the average of the two components. All final grades have to be at least a 6. The use of paper dictionaries is permitted during some of the exams. The format of the tests will receive ample treatment in class.


If students fail one or more components, a resit is possible.

Inspection and feedback

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

Bondi Sciarone, Piet Meijer, Conny Wesdijk, Sonja van Boxtel, Astrid van Laar, Nederlands voor buitenlanders, Delftse method (5th, revised edition) - Textbook + online (please note that access to the online material is mandatory)

Isbn: 9789024465187 € 85,00


General information about registering for courses and exams can be found here.

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contract teaching and Exchange


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office: Reuvensplaats


Not applicable.