Admission requirements
To be a registered student of the Master Latin American Studies
A Master thesis may only be written in the same discipline of the Research Seminar:
Research Seminar Modern History (Public Policies)
Methods of Cultural Analysis and Critical Readings (Cultural Analysis)
A theoretical research seminar on Language Variation and Language Change in Latin America (Language Variation)
Writing of a Master thesis based on research done during fieldwork in a Latin American country. The topic of the thesis has to be approaved by the supervisor.
Appointing thesis supervisor
The thesis supervisor is formally appointed through this form. More information about deadlines and procedures can be found on the program BrightSpace page.
Course objectives
Ability to translate a bulk of self-collected information into a logically structured academic written work. Ability to make a critical assessment of theories and scholarly interpretations in the light of the empirical evidence recollected during the own investigation.
The timetables are available through My Timetable
Mode of instruction
Regular meetings with supervisor to discuss progress in the writing process.
Assessment method
Several written communications (via emails) to the individual supervisor during the fieldwork about the progress of the research. Presentation of a complete research report following come back in Leiden, including preliminary results.
- The students hand in at least three copies of his/her thesis, two of which are intended for the supervisor and one for the Institute.
- The thesis will be corrected within four weeks
- The deadline for the thesis is June 7th in semester 2 and December 7th in semester 1. Between 1 June and 31 August, a six week period for correction applies.
Reading list
Literature connected to the specific fieldwork research.
You do not have to register for your thesis in My Studymap.
- For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office: Reuvensplaats.
No applicable