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Sustainable Development in International Law (PJD)


This course reviews the principles and rules underlying the post-war international economic order, in particular with respect to trade, financial institutions, development aid and foreign investment. Furthermore, the course reviews the role of international economic institutions and agreements in pursuing sustainable development. Sustainable development has become a key concept for the 21st century and has been endorsed and recognised in a number of instruments of international law. Problems like global climate change, high pollution levels and depletion of living and non-living natural resources are becoming important restraints on the global economy. Students will acquire a thorough knowledge of and insight into the main elements of the current regulation of international economic relations and of the concept of sustainable development, including its current status in international law.

Course Objectives
The course aims to review the key concepts of international environmental, development and economic law and to provide students with a thorough knowledge and insight into the main elements and concepts of the current regulation in each of these fields.

Achievement levels
After successfully concluding this course, students will be able to: ➢ Describe the content and evolution of sustainable development as a concept; ➢ Recall the key principles of international environmental law; ➢ Detail and critically evaluate the different mechanisms of financial and technical assistance designed to help developing countries meet their environmental obligations; ➢ Describe the legal architecture pertinent to the pursuit of development under international law; ➢ Explain the underlying rationales of the various subfields of international economic law, such as international trade and investment law; ➢ Analyse to what extent international trade rules allow Members to regulate non-trade concerns, such as sustainable development; ➢ Critically appraise how international investment law intersects with environmental protection and human rights; ➢ Propose reforms for international economic law that promote sustainable development.

Mode of Instruction
This course consists of in-person lectures and guest lectures. Some of the sessions will be accompanied by short, recorded clips that provide background knowledge of core areas of international environmental, development and economic law.

Assessment Method(s)

  • 10% class presentation on a randomly allocated a topic area of 10 minutes, followed by a 5 minute Q&A session with the class.

  • 10% Sustainable development syllabus. Develop a one-page syllabus for a short course on the international law of sustainable development.

  • 20% symposium contribution. This comprises a 1000-word blog post, which will be co-authored with another member of the class.

  • 60% final paper. The paper should be a maximum of 5’000 words including footnotes but excluding the bibliography. Students have a free choice as to the topic within the parameters of the course.

Reading List
The reading to be completed before each session is indicated in the course syllabus. Most of the literature is accompanied by a hyperlink to the resource. In some instances, it may be necessary to access the resource through the Leiden University Library website (eg in the case of open access books).

Additional reading will be indicated in the course reader and in the electronic learning environment, Brightspace.

Should there be any future extenuating circumstances which may impinge our teaching and assessment, these could necessitate modification of the course descriptions after 1 September. This will only happen in the event of strict necessity and the interests of the students will be taken into account. Should there be a need for any change during the course, this will be informed to all students on a timely basis. Modifications after 1 September 2024 may only be done with the approval and consent of the Faculty Board and Programme Director.