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Practices and debates in Art History


Admission requirements

See the Study of Art and Literature program guide and Exam regulations


Current debates in the field of art history centre around such topics as art history versus visual culture, and material culture studies; the Euro-American focus of the discipline and the globalizing world; the relationship between history, architectural history, and cultural heritage; the relationship between art and science. Through these debates runs the issue of two basic ways of studying art, i.e. historical (that is primarily informed by the historical study of primary sources) versus systematic (that is primarily informed by theory) approaches to the study of art. These topics of debate will be introduced, discussed, and debated in a series of seminar meetings.
For each meeting, the students will have a reading assignment ans discuss their findings in the meetings.

Course objectives

To acquire insight into current debates and practices in Art History; to be able to analyze and understand the various positions and their consequences and to position oneself in view of them; to develop skills in discussion and in oral and written presentation.


Check for schedules of courses and exams

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Paper. Assignment: each student chooses one of the fields of debate, and writes a well-reasoned, annotated positioning paper in which the problematic of the issue in question is enunciated (length of paper: max. 5.000 words, incl. notes and references).


Not applicable

Reading list

To be announced.


Students have to apply for this course with the registration system of the university uSis. General information about registration with uSis you can find here in Dutch and in English

Contact / information

Please contact the instructor Prof.dr.R.Zwijnenerg ,
the study coordinator or the Secretary’s office of Study of Art and Literature at Van Wijkplaats 3, E-mail:
