Successful completion of Politics and Economics of China (CB1PE07) given in BA1 and Chinese Economy and Development A (CB2EC07A) are required
This course will give an advanced reading of the factors that determine the sustainability of long term economic development in China. The course builds on knowledge and competences acquired during the modules “Politics and Economics of China” given in BA1 and “Chinese Economy and Development A” (CB2EC07A). The course consists of a thorough review of the theories and concepts of sustainable development. Subsequently, the applicability of these theories and concepts to the Chinese context will be assessed through case-studies on issues such as the role of technology, privatization versus nationalization, greening industries, food safety, and property rights.
Participants in this course will acquire the following:
An understanding of major theories and concepts of sustainable development, and their relevance for the Chinese context;
An understanding of the main factors that determine the long term sustainability of China’s economy and development;
Skills of working with and processing qualitative and quantitative data on China’s sustainable development;
Ability to critically assess these data and to present own arguments in a clear and structured form;
Competence in conducting pre-defined, small-scale research projects on Chinese sustainable development
Click here for the timetable
Lectures, tutorials and panel discussion
The work-load for this course will be approximately as follows:
Contact hours: 28 hours
Course reading: 56 hours
Preparing for assignments: 16 hours
Writing of paper: 40 hours
Total: 140 hours (5EC x 28 hours)
In order to pass, the following will be required of the participants:
Paper outline, attendance and presentation (15%)
Reading summaries (15%);
Proposition with own argumentation (20%)
Paper (50%)
The final grade is given on the basis of all the components above. Failure to complete a component can not be compensated through other components.
Blackboard is used for regular course communication, general course proceedings, and information on reading material as well as assessment criteria. Please note: the powerpoint presentation of the 1st lecture contains important information about the course.
Students have to submit their assignments in hard-copy, as well as electronically through Blackboard.
Reading assignments through the library
Please register for this module in time through uSis. Those who have not registered, can unfortunately not be allowed to follow the course
For further information about the course, please contact Peter Ho
Attendance to the course is obligatory and will be registered during each session.