
nl en

Clinical assessment and treatment: general introduction


NB Language of instruction is Dutch unless English-speaking students participate

Admission requirements

This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the following Bachelor courses: Orthopedagogiek: theorieën en modellen, Methoden van Klinische Diagnostiek, Diagnostiek en Assessment, Behandeling en Psychopathologie.


Clinical assessment and treatment: general introduction is mandatory for all students in the Master’s programme Education and Child Studies (specialisations Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies, Learning Problems and Impairments and Coach for Learning and Development).

In addition to the general introduction, students in the Master’s specialisation Learning Problems and Impairments follow:

  • [Clinical skills]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects)

  • [Learning problems and impairments]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects).

Students in the Master’s specialisation Coach for Learning and Development follow:

  • [Learning problems and impairments]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects).

Students in the Master’s specialisation Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies choose two specialisations from the following four:

  • [Clinical skills]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects) (this specialisation is mandatory for students who want to do a clinical internship and qualify for the NVO-registration Basis-Orthopedagoog);

  • [Neuroscience]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects);

  • [Developmental disorders]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects);

  • [Clinical adolescent studies]( "Clinical assessment and treatment") (5 ects).

During this course students in the master’s specialisations Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies (Orthopedagogiek), Learning Problems and Impairments (Leerproblemen) and Coach for Learning and Development (Coach voor Leren en Ontwikkeling) are so equipped in regard to theory and practice that upon completion of their study they will have adequate scientific background to be able to properly move through the diagnostic and treatment cycle. Students are familiarised with the scientific and cyclic character of the process of diagnosis and treatment. After completion of the course they have sufficient theoretical knowledge with regard to the psychopathology of children and youth and the various fields of work to effectively design a diagnostic scenario, draw up a prognosis and set up a treatment plan.

Course objectives

Achievement levels: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-12-13-14-15-16-18-19.



Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Literature exam.


During this course Blackboard will be used.

Reading list

  • Verhulst, F.C. & Verheij, F. (eds.) (2009). Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie deel 2: onderzoek en diagnostiek. ISBN: 90-232-3589-4

  • Verheij, F. & Verhulst F.C. (eds.) (2010). Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie deel 3: behandeling en begeleiding. ISBN: 9789023243083
    Reader containing a.o.:

  • Groth-Marnat, G.(1999) Handbook of Psychological Assessment. hoofdstuk 5

  • Resing, W. & Hessels, M. Uit Bleichrodt, N. & Van de Vijver, F. (2001) Diagnostiek bij allochtonen: mogelijkheden en beperkingen van psychologische tests. Hoofdstuk 4: Het meten van de cognitieve mogelijkheden en het schoolgedrag van allochtone kinderen (89-106).

The reader will be available after 15 August 2009 at the Service Desk on the first floor of the FSW.


Please note that separate uSis registration is mandatory for lectures, seminars, exam and re-exam.

  • Registration for the lectures of the course is possible as of two months through one week before the first lecture at the latest;

  • Registration for the seminars of the course is possible as of two months through one week before the first lecture at the latest;

  • Registration for the exam is possible as of two months through one week before the exam at the latest;

  • Registration for the re-exam is possible as of two months through one week before the re-exam at the latest.

Students who don’t register cannot attend classes or take the (re)exam.

Contact information

Co-ordinator of this course is dr. K. van de Vijfeijken