Admission requirements
Successful completion of 2nd year courses. A choice for a research group/section where the bachelor internship will be carried out, has to be at latest by the end of November 2010. At that time the “scriptie” contract and the internship contract have to be send to the study adviser.
Reading and critically evaluating scientific literature is one of the key activities of an active scientist. At the beginning of General Research Skills 1 (GRS1), a series of lectures will deal with the different types of publications which altogether form the overwhelming source from which information can nowadays be gathered. Main issues: which publications get most attention, how reliable are they, how can someone quickly get a good overview of the most important issues and questions in a particular field of research? How can one organize information in a personal database?
As a practical aspect of this course, each student will write and present a critical thesis about the most important findings within the research field (in a broad sense) of his/ her research bachelor internship. The writing of this thesis should be supervised by one of the staff members of the research group where the internship takes place.
Learning goals
Course objectives:
The aim of GRS1 is to provide students with general knowledge and skills to find, interpret, assess the importance, and keep track of the most relevant literature related to a field of research in which they plan to be active.
Final qualifications:
The student is able to select and review scientific papers leading to a concise document that reflects the state of the art and the remaining questions in a particular research area.
The thesis has to be completed within 4 weeks.
Mode of instruction
Lectures, study of literature, writing and presenting a thesis.
Assessment method
Evaluation of the written thesis by the supervisor.
General course documents will be provided via Blackboard.
Reading list
Instructions provided by staff members. All legally available scientific literature.
Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the “Prospective students website”: for more information on how to apply.
Contact information van der Zaal, email: Prof. Dr. P.G.L. Klinkhamer, email:
Note that for all students the bachelor internship will start and end at the same date. Keep these dates in mind when making appointments with supervisors.