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New Diversities in Asia


Admission requirements

MA students


Asia’s cultural, ethnic, religious, sexual and social diversity is changing fundamentally under the impact of the world market, mobility and globalization, and government policy struggles to keep up. In this course we investigate both the ongoing evolution of older forms of diversity (official minorities, linguistic, regional and dialect groups, religions) and newly emerging diversities. Immigration, internal migration, emigration, trade, tourism and more generally the exposure of Asian societies to different foreign and domestic cultures have generated an array of new communities and life styles, and Asia is rapidly becoming a major producer of global, diasporic and transnational cultures.

Course objectives

  • Conceptual and independent thinking – Independent research and writing – Oral presentation


see timetable

Mode of instruction

Two-hour lecture course and seminar.

Assessment method

De wijze waarop de cursus getoetst wordt. Mogelijkheden (NB indien voor een combinatie van toetsvormen wordt gekozen dient gespecificeerd te worden welke weging gehanteerd wordt in de totstandkoming van het eindcijfer):

-one longer paper (maximum 4,000 words) (50%)
-two book reviews (20% each)
-seminar participation and oral presentations (10%)


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Zo ja welke rol speelt het dan bij het college? Wordt deze gebruikt voor het ter beschikking stellen van studiemateriaal, proeftentamens, samenvattingen, voor discussiefora, het stellen van tussentijdse vragen aan docent of medestudenten etc.

Readings and other course materials will be made available on Blackboard

Reading list

For each seminar 2-3 English-language articles (total about 100 pages) will have to be read by all participants. In addition, the participants take turns preparing a short seminar presentation reviewing one of the 2-3 books that will also be set each week. Readings will as much as possible be made available on Blackboard.


through Usis – or follow instructions

