Electronic band structure, crystalline order, phonons, harmonic oscillators, second quantization.
Electronic order by repulsive interactions:
From Hubbard electrons to Heisenberg spins, ferro- and antiferromagnetic order, spin waves and Holstein-Primakoff, semi-classical mean-field theory, Random-Phase-Approximation (RPA).
Attractive interactions:
Superconductivity for strong coupling, electron-phonon interaction, Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory.
Fermi liquid theory:
Linear response theory, zero-sound and plasmons, screening, Green functions and Landau quasi-particles.
Programme form
Lectures, problem sessions, home work
Lecture notes with worked out exercises
Form of examination
To be announced
Bachelor courses: Quantummechanica 1 and Quantummechanica 2 (Quantum mechanics), Fysica v.d. vaste stof (solid state physics), Statistische Fysica 1and 2 MSc course: Quantum Theory ### More information