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Experimentation I: Programming Psychological Experiments


Admission requirements

MSc Psychology (research) students


In this course, students get an introduction into the use of programming languages and standard packages for the programming of psychological experiments (using E-Prime) and surveys (using Qualtrics). This course also covers basic programming skills in E-Basic.

Course objectives

Students acquire basic skills in modifying existing, and creating new psychological experiments using E-Prime, E-Basic and Qualtrics.

At the end of this course you will:

  • Understand how to use the E-Prime user interface to program a simple psychological experiment

  • Have acquired skills to program a psychological experiment yourself

  • Know the elementary commands and statements used in E-Basic and understand how you can apply them in programming experiments

  • Have acquired skills to use Qualtrics for designing web surveys


Experimentation I: Programming Psychological Experiments (2014-2015): T.b.a.



Students need to enroll for lectures and work group sessions. Please consult the Instructions registration


Students are not automatically enrolled for an examination. They can register via uSis from 100 to 10 calendar days before the date; students who are not registered will not be permitted to take the examination. Registering for exams

Mode of instruction

Lectures, student assignments, practical exercises

Assessment method

Programming an E-prime experiment within a certain time limit.

The Faculty of Social Sciences has instituted that instructors use a software programme for the systematic detection of plagiarism in students’ written work. In case of fraud disciplinary actions will be taken. Please see the information concerning fraud


Information on

Reading list

Spapé M.M., Verdonschot, R.G., Van Dantzig, S., & van Steenbergen, H. (2014) The E-Primer: An introduction to creating psychological experiments in E-Prime. Leiden: Leiden University Press. ISBN: 978 90 8728 183 0

Contact information

Coordinator: dr. Henk van Steenbergen
Room 2B11
Phone 071-5273655
E-mail: <>