Molecular Biology
Up to date schedule information
This course is a core course for MSc Chemistry students Chemical Biology
The course introduces the students to the elementary aspects of fundamental molecular biology and their applied methods.
The aims are:
1) To give an introduction in cell chemistry and biosynthesis. 2) Basic genetic molecular mechanisms such as chromosomes and genomes are described. 3) Control of gene expression is given inclusive epigenetic aspects. 4) Post-transcriptional processes towards protein synthesis are part of the course. 5) Molecular aspects of membrane structure and membrane transport. 6) Methods manipulating proteins, DNA and RNA are extensively discussed. 7) Molecular biology lessons to be learned from viruses to humans: A modern toolbox for generating fundamental and applied tools for studying and manipulating cellular processes, are part of the course. 8) The relevance of studying various fundamental and disease-related molecular processes in in-vitro and in-vivo systems is given. 9) Derailment of molecular processes resulting in diseases such as cancer are given to round-up all previous lectures
The book “Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th edition by Alberts et al. (ISBN: 978-0-8153-4106-2) will be used. Per lecture a recent scientific review related to a cell biology topic will be discussed. A syllabus will be also part of the literature.
Assessment method
Writing extended summaries of at least 4 lectures and writing 2 essays of 1500 words each are part of the course exam. Active presence during the lectures is requested.
Expected Background
Cell Biology course from the master program Chemistry or related courses.