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History of Chinese Linguistics


Admission requirements



Milestones and recurrent themes in the history of Chinese linguistics will be explored and com¬pared. Close reading and discussion of Chinese linguistics texts, both in Chinese (sim-plified & traditional characters) and in English, will be combined with assignments on their content.

Course objectives

To increase the students skills in evaluating Chinese and English texts on Chinese and general linguistics, script, and language education; to expand relevant technical vocabulary in Chinese and in English; to analyze complex scholarly arguments; to compare different positions and traditions with original observations; to present oral and written summaries in English of (parts of) the texts; to actively participate in group discussions in English.


Check timetable

Mode of instruction

Reading course, discussion seminar and topicalized lectures

Course Load

Total 280 hours (10 EC x 28 hours)

  • Contact hours: 24

  • Preparation for class: 120 hours

  • Oral presentation: 12 hours

  • Written assignments: 24 hours

  • Term paper: 100 hours

Assessment method

  • In-class participation & contributions (15%)

  • Oral presentation (15%)

  • Three written assignments (30%)

  • Term paper (40%)

  • Term paper grade must be minimally 5 to pass the course

Resit: students who fail the course may resit the term paper.


Blackboard will be used as the need arises.

Reading list

The texts are selected from Chinese and general linguistic sources, including phonology, syntax, morphology, lexicology, lexicography, grammatology, etymology, dialect geography, sociolinguistics, the history of linguistics in and outside China, and language education.


Registration through uSis

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Registration Studeren à la carte via
Registration Contractonderwijs


Web: <>
Email: Dr. J.M. Wiedenhof