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Ecologie 2



Coördinator: Dr. N.A. Soudzilovskaia


In this course students will learn to take a holistic approach in understanding of ecosystem functioning from a macroscopic and global perspective. The central idea of systems ecology approach that an ecosystem is a complex system exhibiting emerging properties due to interaction of living and non-living components within the environment, and due to impacts of natural and human-induced changes of the environment. Students will learn about global patterns of Earth energy flow, carbon and nutrient cycles, relationships of those to climate, trophic interactions and biodiversity.

Learning goals

Course objectives:
In this course students will learn fundamental principles of systems ecology, enlarging and upscaling their knowledge of basic ecology and ecosystem functioning.

Final qualifications:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to know, understand and to be able apply in practice important principles, and concepts of systems ecology: carbon and nutrient fluxes and their interaction with environment, including climate and human-induced climate change, and global biodiversity patterns.


From 5 March 2018 -16 March 2018. The detailed time schedule is provided on Blackboard.

Mode of instruction

The main mode of instruction will centre around seminar-style/dynamic lectures and include short practical assignments to be completed in the group, aiming at a full engagement of all students, under a supervision of a lecturer. In addition, students are required to complete a practical and a group assignment. To facilitate completion of those assignments, there will be some time set aside before or after the lectures to discuss progress. Attendance is compulsory for students.

Assessment method

Exam, practicum, assignment and presentation (group work).


Detailed course information will be provided via Blackboard.

Reading list

A compulsory book to be announced on the Blackboard and articles on Blackboard


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