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Methods III: Writing Workshop


Admission requirements

This course is exclusive to students of the Research Master Latin American Studies.
Other students that are interested in taking the course, may contact the lecturers for possible admission.


During this workshop the student will acquire communication skills of high academic level and the student will learn to use the different genres and formats for the presentation of academic research. The formats contemplated are the academic abstract, the paper presentation in an academic panel, the phd-research proposal, and the academic article and publication criteria. Students are expected to use the material they are working on in their thesis, to communicate this content in the different formats. In this way, the course is intended to accompany and support the process of the writing of the thesis, as it constitutes a space in which the student can present the progress and put forward the difficulties, to obtain (peer) feedback.

Course objectives

  • To learn to use the main formats of the academic presentation.

  • To acquire skills to make a successful (persuasive) oral presentation.

  • To practice skills to participate in a international academic debate.

  • To acquire skills to construct and argument that leads to a clear, coherent and verifiable conclusion.

  • To practice skills for the presentation of a research proyect at post-graduate level.


Visit MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction


Assessment method


Oral presentation (20%)
Short written assignments (30%)
Final assignment (50%)


The final grade: weighted average of the results.


If the final grade is lower than 6.0, the student may take a resit. The resit will consist of presenting a revised version of the final assignment (100 %).

Inspection and feedback

The course contemplates serveral moments of feedback and discussion of the evaluation results. But the student may alwas request an individual meeting with (one of) the lecturers to discuss his/her performance.

Reading list

To be announced before the start of the course.


Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.
General information about uSis is available on the website.

Registration Studeren à la carte en Contractonderwijs

Registration Studeren à la carte.
Registration Contractonderwijs.

Not applicable.


Dr. N. Timmer

Dr. S. Valdivia Rivera

Onderwijsadministratie: Reuvensplaats

Studiecoördinator: Tim Sanders


Not applicable.