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Spanish 2


Admission requirements

Enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Leiden University or any other Dutch university.
Prerequisite: Spaans 1 or proof of A2 or A2+ level (CEFR) recommended.

If having A2 level cannot be proven, a placement test in early September (first semester intake) or late January (second semester intake) is recommended before taking this course. Students who have passed the Minor 1 course (Taalvaardigheid Spaans 1) are recommended to take the Minor 2 course.


This is the second of four language proficiency courses in Spanish under the Bachelor’s degree programme in Latin American Studies.

It is a communicative language proficiency course in Spanish in which all skills (reading, writing, listening, spoken production and spoken interaction), including grammar and vocabulary, are integrated. Following the levels and can-do-statements of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), seminars are designed according to the task-based approach and the students´ proficiency is aimed at B1 level. During seminars, all topics will be discussed through written and oral texts, video or audio fragments and role-plays. Students work individually, in pairs or small groups. The students´ active attitude towards preparation for and participation during seminars is crucial in order to be able to meet the learning outcomes of the course.

Apart from specific language skills, this course will also help the students to develop their “soft skills”, including: effective communication, creative thinking, work ethic, teamwork, decision making, time management, flexibility, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Course objectives

By the end of the course, students will have achieved the B1 level in the previously mentioned skills according to the CEFR.
This means that the students will be able to:

  • understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

  • deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.

  • enter spontaneously into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events) and being able to make short presentations about them.

  • describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

  • narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe the immediate reactions.

  • invite someone and accept or reject an invitation in different contexts and tones.

  • make arrangements about what to do, where to go and the time and place of appointment.

  • write simple, short and clear letters / emails where the student can describe facts, say what happened, when and where, using the right layout, etc.

  • produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.

  • make a brief oral presentation about a topic of interest.


My Timetable

Mode of instruction

Seminars in which an active participation of the students is expected. A major part of class hours is focused on the activities that cannot be done at home such as oral activities and explanation of new topic (grammar and vocabulary). Students are expected to regularly check Brightspace for homework and other exercises. At home, students should consciously work on the skills that they need to improve depending on their individual need (listening, writing, more grammar and vocabulary exercises, etc.). It is the responsibility of the students to reach the target level by coming to class prepared and doing regular self-study not only for the exams and submission deadlines but throughout the semester.

Assessment method


The assessment method is divided into two: graded and not graded (continuous assessment).
Continuous assessment: participation in class, tasks, presentations, homework
Graded assessment: oral exam, listening comprehension exam, oral presentation in class, written exams (midterm and final) and writing tasks for the portfolio.

Continuous assessment:
The progress that the student makes during the semester will be taken into account through continuous assessment. This means that the lecturer will regularly check whether the student duly carries out the assignments and tasks as proposed in class and Brightspace.
At least 80% of the continuous assessment assignments should be submitted before deadline is a prerequisite to have access to the graded exams at the end of the course. A task is considered submitted if it is complete and instructions have been followed.

Graded assessment:

■ Listening comprehension test

■ Oral presentation in class

■ The oral exam consists of two parts: question-and-answer/interview type and interaction about particular daily or specific situations with another student or the teacher/s.

■ Written exams consist of three parts: 1. Reading Comprehension 2. Grammar and Vocabulary 3. Writing

● The portfolio is a physical file including reading, writing and self-assessment exercises. The graded part is the compilation of written exercises. For this, student must hand in a draft of each written exercise in a timely and regular manner. For participation in the midterm and final (oral and written) exams, handing in the complete portfolio (with all the assignments self-corrected and written tasks modified/rewritten) before deadline is compulsory. Writing tasks submitted late will not be commented upon by the lecturer and the student should ask another person (classmate, friend, etc.) who can correct it so that two versions (original and modified) can be included in the final portfolio file.


60% written + 40% oral

20% midterm exam
20% final exam
20% portfolio (writing exercises)

10% listening comprehension
10% oral presentation in class
20% oral exam

The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average. To pass the course, the final weighted grade should be 6 or higher.


The student who does not pass the course (weighted grade lower than 6) is entitled to a resit evaluation. This evaluation will consist of two parts:

● Oral exam (40%): question/answer and dialogue or discussion of a topic seen in class

● Written exam (60%): reading comprehension; grammar and vocabulary; writing.

To pass the course, the weighted resit grade should be 6 or higher.

Exam review

The date of exam review will be announced in Brightspace.

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

To be confirmed by August/February in Brightspace .


Enrolment through My Studymap is mandatory.

General information about uSis is available on this website

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Registration Contractonderwijs


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office: Reuvensplaats


Students will only be allowed to take the midterm, final written and oral exams if all of these conditions are satisfied:

  • 80% compulsory attendance. Absence must be reported in advance to the lecturers giving a valid reason. Students who do not meet the 80% attendance requirement will not be allowed to take the exams. Frequent tardiness and both excused and unexcused absences are included in the 20% margin. Exceptions to this should be mutually agreed upon by both the lecturers and the student in writing (e-mail).

  • A complete portfolio is submitted on time (one submission per block) to have access to the midterm, final written and oral exams. The content and deadline of each submission will be set by the lecturer.

  • Progress throughout the course. Students are expected to participate actively in discussions during seminars and to duly carry out all assignments during and outside seminar hours. During the semester, students are expected to complete all assignments and to check all the topics and activities regardless of them being discussed or not in class. Students will be excluded from the exams if they fail to participate or prepare sufficiently (see “Continuous Assessment”).

The evaluation system may change if the course is done online.