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Violent Societies


Admission requirements

Only students of the MSc Crisis and Security Management who are enrolled in the specialisation ‘Governance of Violence’ can take this course.

Those who are not familiar with basic quantitative skills are advised to read up on some basic concepts before the start of the course – the syllabus will point you towards some resources.


The fundamental idea underlying this course is that patterns of violence within a given society, tell us something about how that society functions, the values and norms it holds, and social relationships in that society. By studying patterns of violence, and attitudes and norms around violence, we can learn something about a society. We will touch on questions such as: How and why do norms around violence vary across societies? What forms of violence are people willing to tolerate and why? Are attitudes and norms around violence static or fluctuating? These questions offer important reflections on the reasoning behind programmes designed to prevent or address violence. Throughout the course students will use prominent theoretical approaches from the fields of psychology, criminology, anthropology and sociology to better understand these issues.

Alongside the content-focused lectures, the course will also focus on developing core research skills. The core skills developed in this course are Data Collection and Data Analysis. You will work with quantitative data, and apply statistical analyses to the data you gather. Those who are not familiar with basic quantitative skills are advised to read up on some basic concepts before the start of the course – the syllabus will point you towards some resources.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, students will have mastered the following knowledge and skills.

  1. Advanced knowledge and understanding of the body of literature on Violence.
  2. Analysing concepts in the domain of violence as social, cultural, and mental constructions.
  3. Advanced knowledge and understanding of the principles of academic research, with awareness of research designs and methodologies commonly used in study of Violence.
  4. Gather high-quality data, with a special emphasis on the validity and reliability of data
  5. Analyse data in a way that allows you to draw conclusions, make judgments and/or provide solutions to real-life problems or societal issues
  6. Present results of an academic research project in the field of violence studies
  7. Self-evaluate and reflect after interactive in-class work and individual assignments.


On the right side of programme front page of the E-guide you will find links to the website and timetables, uSis and Brightspace.

Mode of Instruction

This course will be taught through interactive lectures and guest lectures (2 sessions a week). In the lectures, students will learn the key principles of research, and the relevant concepts and methodologies.

Attendance is mandatory. Students are only allowed to miss more than one lecture if there are special, demonstrable personal circumstances. The Board of Examiners, in consultation with the study advisors, will decide on such an exceptional exemption of mandatory attendance

Total study load: 280h

  • contact hours: 42h

  • self-study (reading, preparing lectures, assignments, etc.): 238h

In this 10 ects course, we will focus on the research skill assignment that is going to be part of your portfolio. Specific information on the portfolio assignment and the intended learning outcomes that are being acquired will be published in the syllabus of this course.

Assessment method

The learning goals associated with this course (see above) will be assessed through 3 summative assessments. The calculated grade of the assignments must be at least 5.50 in order to pass the course.

Individual assignment 1

  • 10% of final grade

  • Resit not possible

  • Grade must be compensated in case of a fail (grade < 5.50)

Group assignment

  • 30% of final grade

  • Resit not possible

  • Grade must be compensated in case of a fail (grade < 5.50)

Individual assignment 2

  • 60% of final grade

  • Resit is possible

  • Resit takes the same form

  • Grade must be 5.50 or higher to pass the course

*Alongside these summative assignments, the course also includes formative (non-graded) assignments, these are mandatory as well.

The calculated overall course grade must be at least 5.50 in order to pass the course. If the calculated overall course grade is lower than 5.50, students are also permitted to resit the 60% individual assignment.

Transitional arrangement
Passed partial grades obtained in year 2023-2024 remain valid during year 2024-2025.

Please be aware that passed partial grades obtained in academic year 2024-2025 are no longer valid during academic year 2025-2026.

Reading list

A selection of books and articles, podcasts and documentaries will be announced on Brightspace


Register yourself via MyStudymap for each course, workgroup and exam (not all courses have workgroups and/or exams).
Do so on time, before the start of the course; some courses and workgroups have limited spaces. You can view your personal schedule in MyTimetable after logging in.
Registration for this course is possible from Wednesday 13 December 13.00h

Leiden University uses Brightspace as its online learning management system. After enrolment for the course in MyStudymap you will be automatically enrolled in the Brightspace environment of this course.

More information on registration via MyStudymap can be found on this page.


Contact us at:


  • The corresponding Brightspace course will become available one week prior to the first seminar.

  • Students are strongly encouraged to enrol in September (rather than February)