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EU Citizenship and Free Movement


Admission requirements



There are few topics that attract more discussion in politics and society at large than EU free movement regimes. The seamless movement of EU Citizens across borders between EU Member States to reside, settle, study, work, or be self-employed continuously ranks top of the list of most appreciated achievements of EU integration. At the same time, however, free movement of EU Citizens often leads to frictions with national policy makers. As Brexit shows, the feeling of ‘losing control’ about movements of people from abroad when such movement is based on EU rules rather than national rules, can become a dominant narrative in a national polity.

This course will introduce and focus on the (legal) status of EU Citizens. The legal discussion will be embedded in its social and political context to open the course up also for students from other disciplines with an interest in (the legal side) of free movement and EU Citizenship.

Considering the above, the envisioned structure of the course is as follows: (1) What is Citizenship?; (2) Introduction to free movement in the EU; (3) Citizenship of the Union; (4) (Legal and political-) limits to EU free movement and EU Citizenship; (5) ‘Case-study’: the legal position of Students from other EU Member States in your Member State of origin; (6) EU Citizenship, Covid-19, and Brexit (conclusion of the course).

The course is linked to Moritz Jesse's Jean Monnet Professorship on Migration, Integration, and Non-Discrimination in the EU (MIND-EU). As such, the course is partially funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Course objectives

Objectives of the course
After completion of the course, students will have gained insights into the functioning of (EU) Citizenship and EU free movement rights.

Achievement levels
The following achievement levels apply with regard to the course:

  • Understanding of the socio-legal concept of Citizenship

  • Understanding of the function of Citizenship in international law

  • Insights into EU Free Movement of Persons regimes and legislation

  • Insights into EU Citizenship regimes and legislation

  • Finding solutions to cases provided in class

  • Capacity to mingle in an informed way in social, political, and legal discussions about Citizenship and Free Movement in the EU


Check MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction


  • Number of (2 hour) lectures: 5 or 6

  • Names of lecturers: Dr. Moritz Jesse

  • Required preparation by students: Reading materials (literature, case-law, etc.)


  • Number of (2 hour) seminars: 5 or 6

  • Names of instructors: Dr. Moritz Jesse

  • Required preparation by students: Reading materials (literature, case-law, etc.), Exercises in preparation of class, Presentations by students to introduce judgments, cases, etc.

Other methods of instruction

  • Description: N.A.

  • Number of (2 hour) instructions: N.A.

  • Names of instructors: N.A.

  • Required preparation by students: N.A.

Assessment method

Examination form(s)

  • Paper of 3.000 words (50%);

  • Presentation in class (±10min long) (50%);

Students will have to write one paper of approximately 2.500 words and give one oral presentation in class of approximately 10 minutes. Both grades count for 50% of the overall grade students will receive for this course. The paper and presentation must be on different topics studied in class. More information on length of paper and presentations required will be provided in the course manual to be published on brightspace before classes start.

Students with a grade for either part below 6 and with an overall grade for this course also below 6 (insufficient) get the possibility to write another paper (100%). This paper will be the re-sit for the course.

In case a student fails one of the two (grade below 6) and the overall grade for the course is also below 6 (insufficient) an extra paper can be written as a re-sit for the course. The topic of this paper will be discussed among the student and the teacher. The grade for this paper will replace in its entirety the former grade.

Submission procedures
Paperupload via turn-it-in / brightspace

Areas to be tested within the exam
The examination syllabus consists of the required reading (literature) for the course, the course information guide and the subjects taught in the lectures, the seminars and all other instructions which are part of the course.

Reading list

Obligatory course materials

  • to be announced

Course information guide:

  • provided via brightspace


  • reading material will be announced and made available via brightspace (if possible) in due time

Recommended course materials

  • to be announced


Registration for courses and exams takes place via MyStudymap. If you do not have access to MyStudymap (guest students), look here (under the Law-tab) for more information on the registration procedure in your situation.


  • Coordinator: Dr. Moritz Jesse

  • Work address: Steenschuur 25 / 2311ES Leiden

  • Contact information:

  • Telephone number: +31 71 527 7232

  • Email:


  • Institute: Public Law

  • Department: European Law

  • Room number secretary: B1.11

  • Opening hours: n.a.

  • Telephone number secretary: +31 71 527 7422

  • Email:
