
nl en

Seminar Business Information Systems


Admission requirements

Not applicable.


This seminar focuses on the role of business information systems in large-scale enterprises. During the seminar, students visit a number of companies on-site that develop and use complex software systems. Students subsequently work in teams to develop a research project for topics that these companies provide. The results of this research is provided to the companies as a research report, and presented to them in a formal, business-oriented presentation.

Course objectives

At the end of the course students will:

  • Understand the high level architecture and functionality of business information systems in various industrial settings.

  • Understand the role that enterprise software systems play in large organisations from presentations made by the companies visited.

  • Be able to give examples of current technology challenges that organisations face in evolving their software systems, and the business problems that these technologies are intended to address.

  • Analyse a technology opprtunity to solve a particular business problem for one of the companies visited.

  • Create a business oriented research report, with a similar structure to a BSc thesis, to solve one of those problems in collaboration with the company supervisors.

  • Present the research report to an audience consisting of company supervisors, academic lecturers, and fellow students.


The most updated version of the timetables can be found on the students' website:

Mode of instruction

Instruction will take the form on i) a number of weekly lectures, ii) a number of company presentations during the company visits, and iii) team-based working groups on the research assignment that the companies provide, both with the lecturer and with the company supervisors..

Assessment method

  • Research Report and preliminary research proposal: 50%

  • Presentations: 30%

  • Active participation: 20%

The teacher will instruct the students how the company collaboration and follow-up discussion of the project will take place. Lectures and the report developed will be English language based.

Reading list

Lecture slide material and company presentations will be made available online on Brightspace.


Aanmelding voor vakken verloopt via uSis. Hiervoor is de uSis-code van het vak nodig, die te vinden zijn in de Studiegids. Meer info over het inschrijven voor vakken of tentamens is hier te vinden.


In MyTimetable kun je alle vak- en opleidingsroosters vinden, waarmee jij je persoonlijke rooster kunt samenstellen. Onderwijsactiviteiten waarvoor je in uSis staat ingeschreven, worden automatisch in je rooster getoond. Daarnaast kun je My Timetable gemakkelijk koppelen aan een agenda-app op je telefoon en worden roosterwijzigingen automatisch in je agenda doorgevoerd; bovendien ontvang je desgewenst per e-mail een notificatie van de wijziging.

Vragen? Bekijk de video-instructie, lees de instructie of neem contact op met de ISSC helpdesk.


Inschrijving voor vakken verloopt via uSis. Wanneer je je hier inschrijft voor een bepaald vak krijg je automatisch ook toegang tot de omgeving van dit vak via Brightspace.

Voor meer informatie over Brightspace kun je op deze link klikken om de handleidingen van de universiteit te bekijken. Bij overige vragen of problemen kan contact opgenomen worden met de helpdesk van de universiteit Leiden.


Onderwijscoördinator Informatica, Riet Derogee.


This course is taught in English. Research reports and presentations are prepared in English.