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Biotechnology Science Projects and Entrepreneurship


Admission requirements

The course is open to students that are enrolled in the minor Molecular Biotechnology


Many societal and environmental problems can be solved by modern biotechnology approaches. In this course, which runs as project weeks throughout the entire minor, students work in small teams on a biotechnology-oriented research topic, whereby knowledge obtained in the different minor courses is applied in writing a coherent and exciting research proposal. As part of this course, (legal) aspects of patenting and how to start a business based on the proposed ideas are taught via an entrepreneurship module organized by PLNT, in which students will also learn how to give an elevator pitch to sell a business idea. Taken together, this course trains students in problem-based learning and helps them to develop skills to become future leaders in the field of biotechnology.

Course Objectives

After completion of the course, students are able to:  
1. Collect and evaluate scientific literature and apply knowledge from other minor courses to identify a possible biotechnological solution to a given problem, and design a research project to investigate this solution. 
2. Formulate a research aim and objectives for this project, and design and plan scientific experiments to reach them. 
3. Write and structure a research proposal, including an abstract, introduction, and three separate work packages which include sections on expected results, feasibility and planning. 
4. Create scientific visuals to summarize research concepts and the design of experimental work. 
5. Prepare and give a grant panel presentation to summarize the three work packages and how they connect
6. Write an invention disclosure form based on an innovative idea.
7. Apply basic entrepreneurial skills that are needed to generate a start-up. 
8. Organize teamwork and identify individual roles in a collaboration between peers. 


Course structure:
Project Weeks 1-4: reading literature, discussing research plan with supervisor, and writing introduction and work packages 1-3.
Week 5-8: Finishing research proposal, prepare and give a grant panel presentation, basic introduction to entrepreneurship and patenting (in collaboration with PLNT). A detailed schedule will be provided on Brightspace before the start of the minor.

In MyTimetable, you can find all course and programme schedules, allowing you to create your personal timetable. Activities for which you have enrolled via MyStudyMap will automatically appear in your timetable.

Additionally, you can easily link MyTimetable to a calendar app on your phone, and schedule changes will be automatically updated in your calendar. You can also choose to receive email notifications about schedule changes. You can enable notifications in Settings after logging in.

Questions? Watch the video, read the instructions, or contact the ISSC helpdesk.

Note: Joint Degree students from Leiden/Delft need to combine information from both the Leiden and Delft MyTimetables to see a complete schedule. This video explains how to do it.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, written reports, presentations

Assessment method

Evaluation of the proposal, patenting exercise and grant panel presentation. Please note that students will work in small groups, and that consequently marks will be given based on the performance of the entire group.

The final grade consists of the following partial grades:

  • Proposal: percentage of final grade 80%

  • Final presentation: percentage of final grade 10%

  • Patenting exercises: percentage of final grade 10%

  • Entrepreneurship Program: pass/fail

Minimum grade:
Courses require a minimum, unrounded 5.5 grade to complete.

If a course has 2 or more written partial exams, the minimum grade only applies to the weighted average of the exams.
For partial grades from components other than exams (e.g. practicals, seminars, writing assignments), the bottom grade does apply to the individual components.

Please refer to the Student Charter for an overview of regulations.

Reading list

Available course material will be provided by the teachers via Brightspace


As a student, you are responsible for enrolling on time through MyStudyMap.

In this short video, you can see step-by-step how to enrol for courses in MyStudyMap.
Extensive information about the operation of MyStudyMap can be found here.

There are two enrolment periods per year:

  • Enrolment for the fall opens in July

  • Enrolment for the spring opens in December

See this page for more information about deadlines and enrolling for courses and exams.


  • It is mandatory to enrol for all activities of a course that you are going to follow.

  • Your enrolment is only complete when you submit your course planning in the ‘Ready for enrolment’ tab by clicking ‘Send’.

  • Not being enrolled for an exam/resit means that you are not allowed to participate in the exam/resit.

  • Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Prospective students website for information on how to apply.


Coordinator: Prof. Dr. D. Claessen


Brightspace will be used for communication and exchange of documents

Starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, the Faculty of Science will use the software distribution platform Academic Software. Through this platform, you can access the software needed for specific courses in your studies. For some software, your laptop must meet certain system requirements, which will be specified with the software. It is important to install the software before the start of the course. More information about the laptop requirements can be found on the student website.