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ResMA course from another programme


Students can choose a course on an arts, literature and/or media subject taught in another related (Res)MA or an approved Internship. Please note that students who choose to take an MA course, must fulfil an extra assignment in this course, in order to demonstrate their ability to work with more advanced theoretical and disciplinary questions beyond the normal MA level, to be decided by lecturer and student. Please contact the study adviser for further information.

Note: please contact the lecturer of the course before enrolling in the course whether they would allow you to attend their course.

Suggested programmes to choose from:

MA Arts and Culture

MA Literary Studies track English

MA Literary Studies track French

MA Literary Studies track German

MA Literary Studies track Italian

MA Literary Studies Society Europe and Beyond

MA Media Studies track Book and Digital Media

MA Media Studies track Cultural Analysis

MA Media Studies track Film and Photographic Studies

MA Neerlandistiek

MA Asian Studies

MA Asian Studies track History

MA Asian Studies South Asian Studies

ResMA Asian Studies

MA African Studies

ResMA African Studies

MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations

ResMA Classics and Ancient Civilizations

MA Latin American Studies

ResMA Latin American Studies

MA Middle Eastern Studies

MA Russian and Eurasian Studies

MA North American Studies