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Educational innovations


LET OP: Dit vak wordt, behalve door studenten van de Masteropleiding Education and Child Studies, ook gevolgd door studenten van de Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs (EMPO).

Studenten van de EMPO moeten een extra opdracht (1 ec) maken om het vak te kunnen behalen. De coördinator van het vak zal de EMPO-studenten alle informatie over deze extra opdracht geven.

Studenten van de Master Education and Child Studies maken de extra opdracht niet.

NB Language of instruction is English unless only Dutch-speaking students participate


This course is concerned with educational innovations. In this course, you will analyse and evaluate these innovations aimed at enhancing learning and instruction, thereby paying attention to backgrounds, meanings, and consequences of changes occurring in the educational field.

The Dutch educational system witnesses a period of profound changes under the influence of the turn towards a knowledge society, global competition, technological innovation, new public management, the redressing of social relations between stakeholders in the educational field (teachers, pupils, parents, educational management and the state), and the continuous stream of educational and technological innovations geared towards the improvement of teaching and learning.

Crucial changes are related to the heightened importance of ‘performativity’ (performance of pupils, teachers and schools; methods of testing and assessing, systems of performance monitoring, systems of accountability of educational institutions), the introduction of inclusive education (redressing the balance between regular and special education, catering for special needs students, pupils of different attainment levels, and social and cultural backgrounds), new insights in the field of learning and instruction (for instance pertaining to powerful learning environments including ICT-applications, co-operative learning, peer feedback and assessment, or the role of motivational or neurological processes in pupil learning), and, last but not least, to the teaching staff (the professional status of their work, their professional development, their capacities for both individual and team work) and the organization of educational institutions (their school effectiveness, their role in teacher development, their educational visions).

The course will be organized around the critical study of a selection of such practical changes and innovative designs. It will also reflect on evidence-based education as the preferred model of organizing the relationship of educational research and educational innovations, and improving education.

Course objectives

The objectives of the course are to:

  • Develop critical awareness and understanding of the theory, theoretical backgrounds of, and empirical insights about the educational changes and interventions mentioned above and about the educational field

  • Appreciate the effects, advantages and disadvantages of these changes and

  • interventions across a range of contexts

  • Acquire and practice skills in the critical analysis and evaluation of these changes and interventions

  • Acquire and practice skills in critically evaluating relevant literature

  • Develop an understanding of the links and tensions between theory and practice

  • Appreciate the complex moral dimensions of educational innovations

  • Acquire skills and practice with reflection; alone and in discussion with others

  • Acquire and practice skills in collaboration focused on understanding of and reflection on the literature and on-going discussion in the field

  • Practice with writing a paper in which you present your well-argued own opinion, substantiated with scientific evidence when possible.


For the timetable of this course please refer to MyTimetable

Mode of instruction

Meetings are used for reflection and discussion. Students prepare for these meetings by watching knowledge clips, listening to podcasts, reading papers and working on assignments with fellow students.

Assessment method

The final grade will be based on an individual paper (100% of final grade). Handing in satisfactory individual assignments is a prerequisite for completing the course.


During this course Brightspace will be used.

Reading list

Students are provided selection of papers, in addition they will search for literature on an innovation of their choice.


Students must register themselves for all course components (lectures, tutorials and practicals) they wish to follow. You can register via My Studymap up to 5 days prior to the start of the course.

The exam of this course is a paper. This means that you do not have to register yourself for this exam in My Studymap.

Contact information

Co-ordinator is Dr. Kim Stroet.