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Langue française (intermédiaire/avancé)


Admission requirements

Please note that this course is not meant for absolute beginners. This course presupposes a starting level equal to the level of the vwo (Dutch high school) final exam in French. Students who have (the equivalent of) at least three years of French at a vwo level (i.e. level A2) can consider taking this course if they are highly motivated.


Dans le cours Langue française (intermédiaire/avancé), l'accent est mis, dans un premier temps, sur la grammaire, l'acquisition du vocabulaire et les règles de prononciation du français. Au fur et à mesure du cours, de plus en plus d'attention est portée sur la compréhension écrite, l'expression orale et la compréhension orale, permettant ainsi d'appliquer les connaissances acquises.

Course objectives

  • Obtenir le niveau B1/B2 d’expression et compréhension orales et écrites

  • Développer ses compétences grammaticales, lexicales et phonétiques du français à l’écrit et à l’oral

  • Développer ses compétences de collaboration et de coopération

  • Savoir présenter à la classe son opinion sur un sujet de société de manière claire et structurée

  • Etre capable de prendre en considération d’autres points de vue sur un même sujet

  • Etre capable de participer à des discussions, de formuler et d’accepter les critiques


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

  • Seminar

Assessment method

  • Written examination with multiple choice questions, short open questions, and essay questions

  • Oral presentation

  • Active participation/coöperation in class/group


  • Midterm exam October: 20% (minimum grade: 5)

  • Exam: 30% (minimum grade: 5)

  • Logigram: 10% (to be allowed to take the exam, a minimum of 5.5 must be obtained for Logigram)

  • Oral examination (presentations): 10%

  • Contrôle continu (active participation in the seminars, homework assignments): 20% (minimum grade: 5.5)

N.B.: Participating in the seminars of this course is obligatory; students can only take part in the exam if they obtain at least 5.5 for the contrôle continu.


The final mark for the course is established by (i) determination of the weighted average combined with (ii) additional requirements.


It is possible to take a resit for the midterm, the exam, and Logigram.

Inspection and feedback

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

  • Grammaire progressive du français-Niveau avancé (B1/B2). CLÉ. ISBN: 978-2-09-038197-9

  • Information on the method used to train vocabulary will be provided via Brightspace


Enrolment through MyStudyMap is mandatory.
General information about course and exam enrolment is available on the website


For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.
For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office: Reuvensplaats


This course is part of the minor French and the Francophone world.