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Immigration, Integration and Non-Discrimination


Admission requirements

Sufficient command of English.


How to handle an increasingly diverse population? How to think about 'integration' of immigrants in current times, where immigration is basically in the center of political discussions day-in and day-out as a topic that divides? Undoubtedly, the regulation of migration and integration of migrants is a highly topical and interesting issue.

In this course we will look at migration, non-discrimination, and the inclusion of immigrants and analyze how, in the EU, its Member States, and beyond lawmakers, courts, but also policy makers and civil society deals with these three inter-connected issues. We will in particular focus on differentiations between various groups of immigrants and the consequences such differentiation of status has for their prospects in the receiving societies. The course is taught at the Law Faculty and has a legal perspective. However, it offers room for a multidisciplinary approach and is also intended for non-lawyers. We seek an analysis of migration, integration, and non-discrimination in and inter-disciplinary setting.

The course is linked to Moritz Jesse’s Jean Monnet Professorship on Migration, Integration, and Non-Discrimination in the EU - MIND-EU. As such, the course is partially funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only
and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Course objectives

The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and insight in the basic concepts of migration, integration and discrimination from different perspectives. This includes basic knowledge of the relevant legal framework as well as insight in the most important dilemma’s.

After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of the outlines of European migration law;

  • demonstrate knowledge of the dilemmas in making a distinction based on nationality or residence status;

  • demonstrate insight into the problems of the absence of a right of residence

  • demonstrate insight into the application of the equal treatment principle;

  • demonstrate knowledge and insight with regard to the concept of integration and the way an integration policy is shaped in different countries;

  • articulate the theme in a concise paper and presentation.


Check MyTimetable.

Mode of Instruction


  • Number of (2 hour) lectures: 3

  • Names of lecturers: Dr. Moritz Jesse

  • Required preparation by students: Reading materials (literature, case-law, etc.)


  • Number of (2 hour) seminars: 3

  • Names of instructors: tbc

  • Required preparation by students: Reading materials (literature, case-law, etc.), Exercises in preparation of class, Presentations by students to introduce judgments, cases, etc.

Other methods of instruction

  • Description: student presentation on one of the three thematic blocks dealt with

  • Number of (2 hour) instructions: 6

  • Names of instructors: tbc

  • Required preparation by students: class presentations (see hereunder)

Assessment method

Examination form(s)

  • Paper of 2500 words (50%);

  • Presentation in class (50%).

Students have to write one paper of approximately 2500 words and give one oral presentation in class about 10 min long. Both grades count for 50% of the overall grade students will receive for the course.

Students with a final grade of 5 or lower, who have handed in the paper and gave the oral presentation, get the possibility to write another paper of approximately 4000 words (100%). This paper will be the re-sit for this course. The topic of this paper will be discussed among the student and the teacher. The grade for this paper will replace in its entirety the former grade.

Students with a final grade of 5 or lower, who have handed in the paper and gave the oral presentation, get the possibility to write another paper of approximately 4000 words. The topic of this paper will be discussed among the student and the teacher. The grade for this paper will replace the former grade.

Reading list

Obligatory course materials
The reading materials will be provided on Brightspace.


Registration for courses and exams takes place via MyStudymap. If you do not have access to MyStudymap (guest students), look here (under the Law-tab) for more information on the registration procedure in your situation.

Exchange students have priority and will be registered for the course first. Any remaining seats will be available for students from Leiden University and other Dutch Universities.


  • Coordinator: Dr. M. Jesse

  • Work address: KOG, Steenschuur 25, Room B1.34

  • Available: Monday – Thursday

  • Telephone: +31 (0)71 527 3596

  • Email:


  • Institute: Public Law

  • Department: European Law

  • Room number secretariat: B1.11

  • Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.

  • Telephone secretariat: +31 (0)71 527 3596

  • Email:
