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Alexandria in Egypt? The history and archaeology of culture contact


Admission requirements



Alexandria, one of the ancient world’s largest cities, for a long time remained relatively unknown, buried under the modern town. Recent finds on land and under water have greatly enhanced our knowledge. Alexandria, as the capital city of the Greek rulers of Hellenistic Egypt, had always held a strong interest for those interested in Greek-Egyptian interaction. Now archaeological evidence allows us to further analyse the acculturation processes taking place in this ancient world ‘melting pot’. This course aims explicitly at bringing together a textual and a material culture perspective, and thus present as full a picture of this incredibly important community as possible.

Course objectives

A thorough knowledge of Hellenistic Egypt and of Alexandria in particular, and of acculturation issues of that period. Enhanced performance in the following areas: research skills, presentation skills, composition skills, ability to evaluate the findings of other researchers.


See course-schedule

Mode of instruction

Research seminar

Assessment method

Every student will be expected to give several short presentations of their preliminary findings (20%) and write a final paper (80%)



Reading list

To be announced


See enrolment-procedure

Contact information

With the tutor: Dr.F.G. Naerebout