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Language Acquisition 6: From Script to Print


Admission requirements

Successful completion of Language Acquisition 1, 2, 3 and 4.


Language Acquisition 6: From Script to Print builds on the first-year From Scratch to Script course. In the first half of the course students will familiarize themselves with topics in academic writing that were not or not fully dealt with in the propaedeutic course, such as argumentation, clause grammer, cohesion, heding, and paragraph development. The theory will be applied to short writing and editing assignments, which we will discuss in tutorial. Furthermore, students will be given guidelines on how to review each other’s work.
In the second half of the course, students cooperate in pairs to write three short academic papers (500-1000 words), which are peer-reviewed by two of their fellow students in short oral presentations. The student-authors then use the feed-back obtained from these peer reviews to rewrite one of the papers into a 2000-word academic essay..

Course objectives

  • Ability to write and edit academic texts

  • Knowledge of theories on academic writing such as argumentation and cohesion and the ability to apply them in one’s own writing.


The timetable will be available by June 1st at the website.

Mode of instruction

A one-hour seminar per week.

Assessment method

Written test (40%), presentations (30%), essay (30%).

If the mark for one of these three course components is lower than 5.0, this component cannot be compensated.


This course is supported by Blackboard. Students should sign up before the beginning of the semester.

Reading list

  • Swan, M. (2005). Practical English usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Language Acquisition 6: From script to print. [Texts and assignments on Blackboard]


Students should register through uSis. Exchange studentens cannot register through uSis, but must see the director of studies and register with her. If you have any questions, please contact the departmental office, tel. 071 5272144 or mail:

Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply.

Contact information

Departmental Office English Language and Culture, P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 102C. Tel. 071 5272144; mail:
Studentcounsellor Bachelor: Ms. S.H.J. Bollen, P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 103B.
Coordinator of Studies Master: Ms. K. van der Zeeuw-Filemon, P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 103C.