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Early Modern studies: Artistic reflections: Painters, poets and the art of ekphrasis


Admission requirements

See M.A. Art History program guide and Exam regulations.


Portraits of authors, allegorical structures, painted books, texts as mirrors, “tableaux vivants”: the interconnectedness of the visual arts and literary culture is crucial for artistic production, now as much as in the medieval and early modern periods. This course studies the interaction and cross-influences of paintings and poetry, architecture and authorship by looking at a specific use of imagery: the reciprocal reflections of the visual and textual arts on each other and themselves.
Students will study these artistic and literary practices and the underlying principles in order to understand how visual and textual imagery shaped artistic production and vice versa. The course focuses on medieval and early modern texts and imagery, but with an eye to artistic production in the modern period.

Course objectives

  • Knowledge and training
    Students will be introduced to recent scholarly work on the interconnectedness of literary and art-historical approaches to medieval and early modern culture and will be trained to use this work for interpretation and analysis of texts and images

  • Skills
    Students practice interpreting medieval and early modern imagery (both literary and visual) within contemporary cultural contexts


See the timetable on the department website.

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Papers (70%), presentation (20%), discussion (10%)


Yes, see Blackboard.

Reading list

To be announced on Blackboard.


Students have to register for this course in uSis, the registration system of the university: General information about registration in uSis you can find here in Dutch and in English.

Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply.

Contact information

Geert Warnar
Marika Keblusek
071 5272360