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Topics in Linguistics 2


Admission requirements

Depending on specific topic


The ‘Topics in Linguistics’ courses offer up to date courses on linguistic research by LUCL staff. The actual content of these courses vary – one semester there may be a course on formal semantics, another semester a course on tense and aspect in a specific language. Since Topics in Linguistics courses are usually on fresh content, it was not known what the actual topic will be of this course (or who the teachers are). Please check the website of the Research MA Linguistics to find out more.

Course objectives

Topics in Linguistics courses discuss topical research by LUCL members; the courses are taught by the actual researchers.


The timetable will be available by June 1st at the website of Research Master in Linguistics

Mode of instruction


Assessment method



Yes. Blackboard

Reading list

The papers to be read will be distributed on the course’s Blackboard site.


Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply.

Application for Contractonderwijs

After application, students can register for courses and exams through uSis

Contact information

Coordinator of Studies