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Audio-vision and its allure: the performance of language in Indonesian media


Admission requirements

Relevant factual and theoretical knowledge and academic skills at the level of the entry requirements for the MA in Southeast Asian (Indonesian) Studies.


In the course Audio-vision and its allure we will explore an intercultural comparative approach to the analysis of mediated language in Indonesia, involving media ranging from sound amplification to broadcasting. Since most mediated language is in one way or another performed (that is, displayed for a critical audience), we will devote a considerable amount of critical attention to the sociocultural phenomenon called ‘performance’ and its theoretical ramifications. We will look at Indonesian language genres as wide-ranging as sermons and speechmaking, pop music and other kinds of song, literary recitation, puppetry and other kinds of storytelling, DJ talk, and newsreading.

Course objectives

  • Advanced knowledge of and insight into major genres in the performance of language in Indonesia and the mediation of language in Indonesia.

  • Advanced insight into the theoretical apparatus of performance and media studies regarding language.

  • The development of skills in the analysis of mediated and performed language.



Mode of instruction


Assessment method

  • Weekly tasks based on the readings and/or primary materials (40% of final mark)

  • Active participation in the class discussions (20% of final mark)

  • A 3000 word paper in the field of Indonesian media and/or performance studies, on a topic to be agreed between the student and the teacher (40% of final mark)


Blackboard will be used for:

  • detailed table of contents of the seminar

  • study materials

  • making available and submitting the weekly tasks

  • announcements and other communications

Reading list

A reading, listening and viewing list (contents to be announced) containing materials in four categories:

  • primary materials in Indonesian or in other Indonesian languages with Indonesian translation

  • primary texts in or with English translation

  • articles and chapters concerning the socio-historical contexts of media and performance genres

  • theoretically oriented articles and chapters


Registration through uSis mandatory
Exchange and Study Abroad students, please consult the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply

Contact information

Prof.dr B. Arps