Admission requirements
Regular MA admission requirements.
The course consists of four parts:
a) reading unpointed texts in Biblical Hebrew, paying attention to each and every grammatical detail;
b) bi-weekly translating assignments from English to fully-vocalized Biblical Hebrew;
c) an oral presentation (with handout) on grammatical and philological details of a specific Biblical verse, using advanced tools such as dictionaries, standard grammars and commentaries.
d) a written paper on the subject of the oral presentation.
Course objectives
Advanced knowledge of the details of Biblical Hebrew grammar.
Translation skills English to vocalized Biblical Hebrew.
Skills in using and understanding relevant literature (dictionaries, commentaries, grammars, monographs) for the study of specific passages in Biblical Hebrew.
Oral and written presentation skills.
For the most recent update of the timetable, click here.
Mode of instruction
Course load
10 EC = 280 hours
Attending lectures: 28 hrs
Translating texts to Hebrew: 50 hrs
Reading Book of Jonah: 12 hrs
Writing additional chapter: 10 hrs
Preparing presentation: 40 hrs
Written paper: 140 hrs
Assessment method
Five translations, for a total of 25% of the grade (5% per text)
Final translation, 8% o.t.g.
Presentation, 17% o.t.g.
Term paper, 50% o.t.g.
For this course use is made of Blackboard.
J. Weingreen, Classical Hebrew Composition (sold out; relevant passages available through Blackboard);
Unpointed Biblical Hebrew texts (available through Blackboard).
Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden. website for information on how to apply.
Contact information
B.D. Suchard MA. Tel. +31 71 527 3071.