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Multivariate Data Analysis


Admission requirements

  • To be admitted to the Multivariate Data Analysis course, students must have passed the courses Introduction to Methodology and Inferential Statistics.

  • This course is an admission requirement for the third-year Bachelor’s project.


The Multivariate Data Analysis course introduces students to common models for the multivariate analysis of psychological research data, the type of associated data and the research questions that these models will help answer. Students consequently gain an overview of the analysis methods that are available to researchers and an understanding of whether these methods can address research questions with different types of data. The course also lays the foundations for a frame of reference that will later allow students to study the methodology required for a specific specialisation.

Course objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with a sufficient overview and understanding to allow them to select a suitable analysis technique and (to a certain extent) apply it to a given problem and data. After this course, students will also be able to read academic literature and understand the methodology, interpret the results and assess whether the conclusions drawn are valid. The course will also provide a foundation upon which students who go on to choose to specialise in Methodology on the Master’s programme can build. The same applies for students who go on to choose the Research Master’s programme.

In the practical that runs parallel to each work group session, the students will practise using the techniques they have learnt in SPSS and sometime EQS. The aims of the practical are: to learn how to use the different programmes, to gain an understanding of the effect of the different options and to learn how to interpret results and draw conclusions from them.


Multivariate Data Analysis (2013-2014):

Mode of instruction

The introduction to multivariate analysis techniques will be taught in seven two-hour lectures, each covering the material from the book and the supplementary texts from the Workbook. A one-hour practical will take place each week after the lecture. Participation in the practical is compulsory.

There will also be two-hour work group sessions in which students will plan and discuss the assignments that they must complete as homework. The students will give short presentations about the results of the practical assignments in these work group sessions. Active participation in the work group (submitting assignments, attendance and presentations) will result in a bonus for the final grade in the current academic year.


The course concludes with an examination (40 multiple-choice questions); a mock examination will be held four weeks into the course. The grade for the mock examination (multiple choice) and the bonus for the work group will count towards the final grade. The grade for the mock examination and the bonus will expire after a resit. See the Multivariate Data Analysis Workbook for details. There is one resit opportunity each year. Within 30 days of publication of the examination results, a review of the examination will take place (see Blackboard for time and place).


Lecture slides, the data from the assignments and supplementary material can be found on Blackboard.


Compulsory examination material alongside the lecture material:

  • Meyers, LS, Gamst, G, & Guarino, AJ. (2006). Applied multivariate research: design and interpretation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN 1-4129-0412-9.

  • De Vocht, Basishandboek SPSS, or an equivalent basic manual for SPSS version 16 or higher.

  • Course Workbook. Alongside assignments for the practicals and work group sessions, this also contains a number of replacement and additional texts, all of which is also covered in the examination. The workbook can be ordered from Readeronline.

Study book service

Members of the Labyrint study association can purchase the books at a reduced rate from the Labyrint study book service on producing their Labryint membership card. Alternatively, there are the academic bookshops.



Registration for the course is compulsory. Registration for the practicals and work groups is on a first come, first served basis. If a particular group is full, students will have to attend the practical and work group at another time.


Registration for the mock examination, examination and resit is compulsory. Students can register via uSis from 100 to 10 calendar days before the examination date. Students who do not register on time will not be allowed to sit the (re)examination. This also applies to the mock examination.




Chapter 2 of the course Workbook provides detailed information on the working method used on the course. It is best to address specific questions to the supervisors at the practicals or lecturers at the lectures and work groups.