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Transitional Justice: National Responses to International Crimes(Hastings guest Course)


Admission requirements

The course can be followed by law students, students from other relevant disciplines and exchange students. A basuc understanding of international law and/or criminal law is helpful but not required.


“This seminar will look at the range of options available to states to deal with the legacy of widespread violations of human rights or international humanitarian law. It will consider the goals of transitional justice, and the role of truth-seeking, reparations, vetting, amnesties, demobilization of combatants, and institutional and structural reforms. It will have a special focus on national prosecutions, incorporating many of the lessons learned from a decade of post-transition prosecutions in Latin America.”

Course objectives

_Objectives of the course: This course will focus on and provide basic knowledge on the theory and practice of transitional or post-conflict justice. Students will understand the options available, the advantages and disadvantages of each option and their connections, and the requirements of international law with respect to prosecutions, amnesties, truth-seeking, reparations, and other related topics.

Achievement levels

The following achievement levels apply with regard to the course:
Participants will be able to analyze and write about the various alternatives available in a transitional or post-conflict setting, and to understand the international law constraints and requirements on states dealing with a legacy of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.


The timetable of this course can be found in uSis.


20% class participation + 80% take home exam