Quantum Mechanics 2 focuses on the applications of quantum mechanics and introduces a number of important quantum mechanical phenomena. Central to this course are the theoretical concepts of quantum statistics of identical particles, time-dependent perturbation theory and time independent perturbation theory.
Quantum mechanics of identical particles
Atomic orbitals and the periodic table
Quantum statistics: Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions
Time-independent perturbation theory
Fine structure of Hydrogen including spin-orbit coupling
Zeeman effect
Hyperfine interaction in Hydrogen: the 21 cm line
Time-dependent perturbation theory
Atom-light interaction: Absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission
N.B. De inhoud van het college wijkt behoorlijk af van de cursus in voorjaar 2011, aangezien de quantum statistiek uit STF1 naar QM2 is overgeheveld.
Hoorcollege en werkcollege
D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (second edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005).
The same textbook is used in the Quantum Mechanics 1 course.
Written exam.
A bonus is awarded for homeworks according to the following formula C = T + (10-T)*Q/30, where T is the exam grade and Q is the average of the best 5 (out of 7) grades for the homework exercises. To apply the bonus at least 5 out of 7 homeworks have to be handed in. To pass the course a minimum grade of T=6 has to achieved for the exam.
Quantummechanica 1 en Statistische Fysica 1
Meer info
Contactgegevens docent: Dood(Michiel)
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