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Advanced Functional Neuroanatomy


Admission requirements

Admission to the Master BW and general knowledge of neuroanatomy


November 17 – December 12, 2014



The objective of this course is to introduce clinical neurology to Biomedical Sciences students and to deepen their knowledge on neuroanatomy. The course includes lectures about the peripheral and central nervous system given by different medical doctors and researchers, lab days (skills lab and electrophysiology lab), 2 outpatient clinic sessions per student, a number of patient demonstration and an opportunity for the students to get to know the Duchenne muscle test by performing it themselves. Every week will be closed with a lecture were students are able to address questions.

The first week of the course is dedicated to the topic “No muscle, no movement”. In this week, different muscle diseases are discussed such as Myasthenia Gravis (including a visit to the electrophysiological lab), Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Myositis.

The topic of the second week is “No brain, no guidance”. In this week, the focus is on Plexus Brachialis, polyneuropathy, stroke and epilepsy.

In the third week named “Stress, pain and neurophysiology”, the lectures cover topics about stress, addiction & pain, Parkinson, etc.

The final week of the course is dedicated to the topic “Memory and Psychiatry”. In this week, the lectures will cover diseases like depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease, headaches and migraine.

At the end of the course the students have to take an exam covering 5-7 open questions about different neurological diseases. The answers are scored according to predefined criteria.

Important note to non-Dutch speaking students: the outpatient clinic sessions and the patient demonstrations will be in Dutch, due to presence of Dutch patients.

Course objectives

The student:

  • gains a good understanding of the basic principles in neuroscience, including neuroanatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral synapses

  • gains an understanding of the various principles that underlie the diseases of both the central and peripheral nervous system

  • is able to discover and summarize neurological symptoms

  • is able to make a differential diagnosis between peripheral and central nervous system diseases

  • is given the opportunity to acquire a professional attitude towards patients with neurological diseases

Mode of instruction

Lectures, policlinic session, patient demonstrations and practicals.