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Tibetan 2


Admission requirements

Having successfully finished Tibetan 1 (5481K1TIE). Please, contact the student advisor or Dr. P.C. Verhagen if you are interested in taking this course, but do NOT fulfill the above mentioned requirement.


Classical Tibetan is the language of the two Tibetan Buddhist canons, containing more than four thousand texts which were translated mainly between 700 and 1300 CE, and the extensive literature that developed around that in Tibet in these and the following centuries. The course offers a theoretical introduction to and practical training of translating simple sentences in classical Tibetan. This course (sequel to Tibetan 1) offers further training in reading simple texts in classical Tibetan.

Course objectives

  • Good knowledge of and insight into the grammar of classical Tibetan.

  • Good knowledge of the basic vocabulary of classical Tibetan.

  • Skills in translating simple sentences in classical Tibetan.


Timetable 2015-2016: Monday 13-15h, Wednesday 11-13h (and, occasionally) Friday 9-11h


Mode of instruction

  • Seminar. Attendance and active participation are mandatory.

Attendance and participation are obligatory. Classes missed for a good reason (to the discretion of the conveners and to be discussed BEFORE the class takes place) will have to be made up with an extra assignment. Being absent without notification can result in a lower grade or exclusion from the final exam and a failing grade for the course.

Course Load

Total course load (10 EC): 280 hours:

  • attending lectures (ca. 50 hours)

  • preparation for the lectures (ca. 150 hours)

  • reading and preparation for the exams (ca. 80 hours).

Assessment method

  • Mid term written exam (30%)

  • Final written exam (70%)

  • Re-sit 100%

In order to pass the course, students must obtain an overall mark of “5.50” (=6) or higher. A resit exam is possible only if the student received an overall mark for the entire course of “5.49” (=5) or lower.

The course is an integrated whole. All categories must be completed in the same academic year. No partial marks can be carried over into following years.



Reading list

Hahn, Michael (Ulrich Pagel translator) 2005. A Textbook of Classical Literary Tibetan. London: SOAS (Lehrbuch der Klassischen Tibetischen Schriftsprache)

Further literature will be supplied in electronic form during the course.


Students are required to register through uSis. To avoid mistakes and problems, students are strongly advised to register in uSis through the activity number which can be found in the timetable in the column under the heading “Act.nbr.”.

Interested students from the MA Asian Studies need to contact the secretariat by e-mail clearly giving the course code and their student ID number to get registered for this course.

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

(studying à la carte is not possible for this course).


For more information contact Dr. P.C. Verhagen


Other Buddhism related courses

At BA-level
Fall Semester
Anthropology and Buddhism in Asia
Buddhism through Stories
Buddhist Art
Culture of Tibet
Introduction to Buddhism
[Japanse religies en boeddhisme]( "Dutch")
Virtue, Vice and Depravity: Buddhist and Contemporary Accounts
Iconography of South and Southeast Asia
Elementary Pali
Tibetan 1

Spring Semester
Architecture: The Temple and the Stupa
Chinese Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism
Tibet: State and Society
Sacred Biography in Buddhism and Jainism
Indian Philosophy

At MA-level
Buddhism and Social Justice
Reading Buddhist Scriptures
Virtue, Vice and Depravity: Buddhist and Contemporary Accounts

Students with disabilities

The university is committed to supporting and accommodating students with disabilities as stated in the university protocol (especially pages 3-5). Students should contact Fenestra Disability Centre at least four weeks before the start of their courses to ensure that all necessary academic accomodations can be made in time conform the abovementioned protocol.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to be familiar with Leiden University policies on plagiarism and academic integrity. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you submit any work with your name affixed to it, it is assumed to be your own work with all sources used properly indicated and documented in the text (with quotations and/or citations).