Admission requirements
Enrolled in a bachelor’s program at Leiden or another Dutch university.
This course teaches students to read the texts in which questions and answers are in everyday Spanish formulated. What letter is concerned, he fairly complicated notes and messages can formulate. What concerns the oral skills the student learns to take an active part in conversations about more than just familiar topics and activities.
Course objectives
Simple forms of communication in Spanish to control both verbally and in writing. In terms of the Common European Framework Language Teaching, we arrive at the following final levels:
Written Spanish: Reading: A2; Writing: A2;
Oral Spanish: listening: A2; Spoken Interaction: A2; spoken production A2.
Mode of instruction
The course consists of lectures where the base is explained by the Spanish grammar and seminars where students will put their knowledge into practice through simple and realistic communicative tasks.
Course Load
Assessment method
Four exams:
Examination A (40%)
Examination B (40%)
Examination C (oral) (20%)
General re-examination (100%)
The final grade is the average of all tests, including 2 exams of 40% must be achieved at least a 5.6.
Resit of partial tests during the course. The last final exam (in December) acts as a general re-examination.
Blackboard provides information about the course, the literature, the college calendar and the exam schedule.
Reading list
To purchase books:
Rápido I: 2 books: Libro del alumno; Cuaderno de Miguel and ejercicios.Lourdes Nose Sans. Amsterdam: Inter Language (Dutch version). ISBN: 90-5451-4302.
Grammar succinctly Spanish. Y. Mateos Ortega. Ed. Intertaal
Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Rosario Alonso Raya ,, Alejandro Castañeda Castro, Pablo Martínez Gila. Editorial Difusión.
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Dr. G. Inzaurralde 071-5272214
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